On Jan 10, 2008, at 10:19 AM, Andreas Knüpfer wrote:

unfortunately, we're unable to reproduce this error. Could you pass some more information about your configure command line? This was done with gcc 4.2 on
mac os X, wasn't it?

I'm on Leopard on my MBP with:

./configure --prefix=/Users/jsquyres/bogus --enable-mpi-f90 --without- threads

But I might see the problem here -- I just realized/remembered that I'm using the sf.net GCC install (hpc.sf.net). If I force /usr/bin/ gcc (and friends), it seems to work:

./configure --prefix=/Users/jsquyres/bogus CC=/usr/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/ bin/g++ --disable-mpi-fortran

However, the hpc.sf.net OS X compilers are not uncommon (because they provide fortran compiler support for OS X). Do you think you'll be able to test with these compilers?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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