Doh - this is Solaris on x86? I think Terry said Solaris/sparc was tested...

VT guys -- can you check out what's going on?

On Jan 28, 2008, at 9:36 AM, Adrian Knoth wrote:

On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 07:26:56AM -0700, Ralph H Castain wrote:

We seem to have a problem on the trunk this morning. I am building on a

There are more errors:

/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c: In function
/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c:850: error: request
for member `__pos' in something not a structure or union
/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c: In function
/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c:876: error: request
for member `__pos' in something not a structure or union
gmake[5]: *** [vt_iowrap.o] Error 1
gmake[5]: Leaving directory
/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c: In function
/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c:850: error: request
for member `__pos' in something not a structure or union
/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c: In function
/tmp/ompi/src/ompi/contrib/vt/vt/vtlib/vt_iowrap.c:876: error: request
for member `__pos' in something not a structure or union
gmake[5]: *** [vt_iowrap.o] Error 1
gmake[5]: Leaving directory

Just my $0.02

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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

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Cisco Systems

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