Dear Developers
I am back.. This time i am actually facing a problem. I should have send the 
problem to eventlib mailing list first, but I thought your guys must be more 
current with what I am doing, so i tried this list first. 

I am trying to port xensockets to openmpi. In principle, I have the framework 
and everything, but there seems to be a small issue, I cannot get libevent (or 
OPAL) to give callbacks for receive (or send) for xensockets. I have tried to 
implement  native code  for xensockets  with libevent library,  again the same 
issue.  No  call backs! . With normal sockets, callbacks do come easily. 

So question is,  do the socket/file descriptors have to have some special 
mechanism attached to them to support callbacks for libevent/opal? i.e some 
structure/magic?. i.e. maybe the developers of xensockets did not add that 
callback/interrupt thing at the time of creation. Xensockets is open source, 
but my knowledge about these issues is limited. So I though some pointer in 
right direction might be useful. 

Second question is, what if we cannot have the callbacks. What is the 
recommended way to implement the btl component for such a device? Do we need to 
do this with event timers?

Best Regards,
Muhammad AtifPS: google was not helpful. :)

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