On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 11:40:20AM -0500, Tim Prins wrote:

> Adrian,


Sorry for the late reply and thanks for your testing.

> 1. There are some warnings when compiling:

I've fixed these issues.

> 2. If I exclude all my tcp interfaces, the connection fails properly, 
> but I do get a malloc request for 0 bytes:
> tprins@odin examples]$ mpirun -mca btl tcp,self  -mca btl_tcp_if_exclude 
> eth0,ib0,lo -np 2 ./ring_c
> malloc debug: Request for 0 bytes (btl_tcp_component.c, 844)
> malloc debug: Request for 0 bytes (btl_tcp_component.c, 844)
> <snip>

Not my fault, but I guess we could fix it anyway. Should we?

> 3. If the exclude list does not contain 'lo', or the include list 
> contains 'lo', the job hangs when using multiple nodes:

That's weird. Loopback interfaces should automatically be excluded right
from the beginning. See opal/util/if.c.

I neither know nor haven't checked where things go wrong. Do you want to
investigate? As already mentioned, this should not happen.

Can you post the output of "ip a s" or "ifconfig -a"?

> However, the great news about this patch is that it appears to fix 
> https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/1027 for me.

It also fixes my #1206. I'd like to merge tmp-public/btl-tcp into the
trunk, especially before the 1.3 code freeze. Any objections?

Cluster and Metacomputing Working Group
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

private: http://adi.thur.de

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