On Feb 12, 2008, at 4:09 PM, ejon wrote:

I'll definitely plan an upgrade to the latest LSF release (7.0 update 2), then. Given the roadmap, I think I'm way better off forging ahead with MPI
on LSF than implementing a separate solution.  I didn't really expect
production-ready code at this point. Just checking whether it was still planned for 1.3, really (the last thing I saw in the mailing lists was fairly discouraging).

I'm willing to dedicate some time to testing code if you think it would be

That would be great, thanks.

Note that there is a fairly major change coming in to our run-time portion of the trunk tomorrow afternoon (a snapshot from a long- standing run-time development branch) which will overhaul just about everything -- including the LSF support. The LSF stuff probably hasn't been [fully] updated and definitely has not yet been tested under the overhaul.

Never fear -- LSF support is a feature we've committed to, so it will definitely be there for v1.3.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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