
We are now at the point where Ralph is ready to merge the changes he has
been making to ORTE into the trunk.  This is a major item for the
1.3release and its inclusion into the trunk will enable it to be
tested and
stabilized on a wider variety of environments.  To make this merge as smooth
as possible, I propose the following procedure and timing:

  Between now and the morning (EST) of the 28th (Thursday):
    - hold off on major changes to the trunk, particularly those that would
change the existing directory structure.
    - the trunk will not be locked, nor under gatekeeper control, so
modifications can still be committed.  But, please use judgement as to what
gets checked in between now and Thursday.

  Morning (EST) of the 28th (Thursday):
    - Ralph will send out a note to the devel list to let people know when
he is starting his merge.  At this point, the trunk will become unstable
until his merge is finished and initial tests are run.
    - During this time, please hold off on any modifications to the trunk.
    - Ralph will send out a subsequent note when his merge is done, and the
trunk is once again available.  Hopefully this will be within 48 hours of
the start of the merge.

I hope that this sequence will be acceptable to the development community.
If not, please surface the concerns here so that we can discuss them and
decide how best to proceed.


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