I regressed my tree and it looks like it happened between 17590:17917

On Wednesday 02 April 2008 10:22:52 am Jon Mason wrote:
> I am noticing that ssh seems to be broken on trunk (and my cpc branch, as
> it is based on trunk).  When I try to use xterm and gdb to debug, I only
> successfully get 1 xterm.  I have tried this on 2 different setups.  I can
> successfully get the xterm's on the 1.2 svn branch.
> I am running the following command:
> mpirun --n 2 --host vic12,vic20 -mca btl tcp,self -d xterm -e
> gdb /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.2-svn/tests/IMB-3.0/IMB-MPI1
> Is anyone else seeing this problem?
> Thanks,
> Jon
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