On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 09:04:28AM -0400, Josh Hursey wrote:

> Adrian,


> Has there been any progress on this bug? If you still cannot reproduce  
> it, if you send either Tim Prins or I a debugging patch we can run  
> with it. Or we can try to arrange access to one of our machines for you.

A login would probably be the easiest.

> This bug is making it difficult for us to continue working off of the  
> trunk since we get these connection errors so frequently.

I propose the following: We (either you or me) immediately revert
r18169, thus enabling you to work on the trunk again.

Afterwards, I'll try to find a solution to the problem and commit it
when it passes all tests on your and my clusters. I'd really appreciate
a login to one or two machines at odin/sif to make sure things will be
right this time.

If you like, here's my ssh key:


Just add it to the authorized_keys file, so no password needs to be


Cluster and Metacomputing Working Group
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

private: http://adi.thur.de

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