On May 15, 2008, at 2:37 PM, Caciano Machado wrote:

What are the meanings of the PML names OB1, DR and CM? The paper "An evaluation of Open MPI's Matching Transport Layer on the Cray XT" says that they don't have any special meaning, but here (http://www.open-mpi.org/papers/workshop-2006/wed_01_pt2pt.pdf ) I saw that DR stands for "Data Reliability". It's correct?

The names mostly reflect our horrid ability to name things.  :-)

You are correct about "DR" -- but note that it was never finished. It's probably only pseudo-operable; it doesn't do everything that it was designed to do because the DR developers got other priorities and never finished it.

OB1 = Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars (we couldn't think of any good name at the time and really needed a name so that we could start coding...)
 --> similarly, the "r2" BML is R2-D2 from Star Wars

CM = "Connor MacLeod" from The Highlander movie, a reference to the fact that "there can only be 1" ...MTL module in an MPI process (vs. OB1, which can have as many BTL modules as are relevant)

There you go -- a little insight into the warped minds of those of us who bring you Open MPI. Ok, I'm a little embarrassed now. ;-)

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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