Lenny, I opened a ticket for something that looks the same as this. Maybe you can add your details to it.



Lenny Verkhovsky wrote:

I guess it should be here, sorry.

/home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/bin/mpirun -np 2 -H witch2,witch3 ./IMB-MPI1_18850 PingPong
# Intel (R) MPI Benchmark Suite V3.0v modified by Voltaire, MPI-1 part
# Date : Tue Jul 15 15:11:30 2008
# Machine : x86_64
# System : Linux
# Release :
# Version : #1 SMP Thu May 17 14:00:09 UTC 2007
# MPI Version : 2.0
# MPI Thread Environment: MPI_THREAD_SINGLE

# Minimum message length in bytes: 0
# Maximum message length in bytes: 67108864
# MPI_Datatype : MPI_BYTE
# MPI_Datatype for reductions : MPI_FLOAT

# List of Benchmarks to run:

# PingPong
[witch3:32461] *** Process received signal ***
[witch3:32461] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[witch3:32461] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[witch3:32461] Failing at address: 0x20
[witch3:32461] [ 0] /lib64/libpthread.so.0 [0x2b514fcedc10]
[witch3:32461] [ 1] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so [0x2b51510b416a] [witch3:32461] [ 2] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so [0x2b51510b4661] [witch3:32461] [ 3] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so [0x2b51510b180e] [witch3:32461] [ 4] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so [0x2b5151811c22] [witch3:32461] [ 5] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so [0x2b51518132e9] [witch3:32461] [ 6] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/openmpi/mca_bml_r2.so [0x2b51512c412f] [witch3:32461] [ 7] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/libopen-pal.so.0(opal_progress+0x5a) [0x2b514f71268a] [witch3:32461] [ 8] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so [0x2b51510af0f5] [witch3:32461] [ 9] /home/USERS/lenny/OMPI_ORTE_18850/lib/libmpi.so.0(PMPI_Recv+0x13b) [0x2b514f47941b]
[witch3:32461] [10] ./IMB-MPI1_18850(IMB_pingpong+0x1a1) [0x4073cd]
[witch3:32461] [11] ./IMB-MPI1_18850(IMB_warm_up+0x2d) [0x405e49]
[witch3:32461] [12] ./IMB-MPI1_18850(main+0x394) [0x4034d4]
[witch3:32461] [13] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4) [0x2b514fe14154]
[witch3:32461] [14] ./IMB-MPI1_18850 [0x4030a9]
[witch3:32461] *** End of error message ***
mpirun: killing job...

mpirun was unable to cleanly terminate the daemons on the nodes shown
below. Additional manual cleanup may be required - please refer to
the "orte-clean" tool for assistance.

On 7/15/08, *Pavel Shamis (Pasha)* <pa...@dev.mellanox.co.il <mailto:pa...@dev.mellanox.co.il>> wrote:

        It looks like a new issue to me, Pasha. Possibly a side
        consequence of the
        IOF change made by Jeff and I the other day. From what I can
        see, it looks
        like you app was a simple "hello" - correct?
    Yep, it is simple hello application.

        If you look at the error, the problem occurs when mpirun is
        trying to route
        a message. Since the app is clearly running at this time, the
        problem is
        probably in the IOF. The error message shows that mpirun is
        attempting to
        route a message to a jobid that doesn't exist. We have a test
        in the RML
        that forces an "abort" if that occurs.

        I would guess that there is either a race condition or memory
        occurring somewhere, but I have no idea where.

        This may be the "new hole in the dyke" I cautioned about in
        earlier notes
        regarding the IOF... :-)

        Still, given that this hits rarely, it probably is a more
        acceptable bug to
        leave in the code than the one we just fixed (duplicated stdin)...
    It is not so rare issue, 19 failures in my MTT run



        On 7/14/08 1:11 AM, "Pavel Shamis (Pasha)"
        <pa...@dev.mellanox.co.il <mailto:pa...@dev.mellanox.co.il>>

            Please see http://www.open-mpi.org/mtt/index.php?do_redir=764

            The error is not consistent. It takes a lot of iteration
            to reproduce it.
            In my MTT testing I seen it few times.

            Is it know issue ?

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