On Aug 30, 2008, at 10:56 AM, Eugene Loh wrote:

There's probably some law of software engineering that applies here. Basically, upon first read, I was filled with bitter resentment against those who had written the code. :^) Then, as I began to feel mastery over its, um, intricacies -- to feel that I, too, was becoming a member of the inner cabal -- I began to feel pride and a desire to protect the code against intrusive overhaul. :^)


I did peek at some of the Open MPI papers, and they talked about Open MPI's modular design. The idea is that someone should be able to play with one component of the architecture without having to become an expert in the whole thing. The reality I seem to be facing is that to understand one part (like the sm BTL), I have to understand many parts (mpool, allocator, common, etc.) and the only way to do so is to read code, step through with debugger, and ask experts.

Ya, I think the reality has turned out that it became more important for us to be able to maintain software layer abstractions more than connectedness. In short, yes, you have to have a bunch of general and/ or specific knowledge, but you can still muck around in your component fairly independently of the rest of the system.

I believe the main rationale for doing page-line alignments was for memory affinity, since (at least on Linux, I don't know about solaris) you can only affinity-ize pages.

Solaris maps on a per-page basis.

On your big 512 proc machines, I'm assuming that the page memory affinity will matter...?

You mean for latency? I could imagine so, but don't know for sure. I'm no expert on this stuff. Theoretically, I could imagine a system where some of this stuff might fly from cache-to-cache, with the location of the backing memory not being relevent.

If locality did matter, I could imagine two reasonable choices: FIFOs being local to the sender or to the receiver -- with the best choice depending on the system.

To be honest, I forget the specifics; I think our FIFOs are local to the receiver. I'm pretty sure that affinity will matter, even if they're cache-to-cache operations.

That being said, we're certainly open to making things better. E.g., if a few procs share a memory locality (can you detect that in Solaris?), have them share a page or somesuch...?

Yes, I believe you can detect these things in Solaris.

This might be nifty to do. We *may* be able to leverage the existing paffinity and/or maffinity frameworks to discover this information and then have processes that share the same local memory be able to share local pages intelligently. This would be a step in the right direction, no?

I could imagine splitting the global shared memory segment up per process. This might have two advantages:

*) If the processes are bound and there is some sort of first-touch policy, you could manage memory locality just by having the right process make the allocation. No need for page alignment of tiny allocations.

I think even first-touch will make *the whole page* be local to the process that touches it. So if you have each process take N bytes (where N << page_size), then the 0th process will make that whole page be local; it may be remote for others.

*) You wouldn't need to control memory allocations with a lock (except for multithreaded apps). I haven't looked at this too closely yet, but the 3*n*n memory allocations in shared memory during MPI_Init are currently serialized, which sounds disturbing when n is 100 to 500 local processes.

If I'm understanding your proposal right, you're saying that each process would create its own shared memory space, right? Then any other process that wants to send to that process would mmap/shmattach/ whatever to the receiver's shared memory space. Right?

The total amount of shared memory will likely not go down, because the OS will still likely allocate on a per-page basis, right? But per your 2nd point, would the resources required for each process to mmap/ shmattach/whatever 511 other process' shared memory spaces be prohibitive?

Graham, Richard L. wrote:

I have not looked at the code in a long time, so not sure how many things have changed ... In general what you are suggesting is reasonable. However, especially on large machines you also need to worry about memory locality, so should allocate from memory pools that are appropriately located. I expect that memory allocated on a per-socket basis would do.

Is this what "maffinity" and "memory nodes" are about? If so, I would think memory locality should be handled there rather than in page alignment of individual 12-byte and 64-byte allocations.

maffinity was a first stab at memory affinity and is currently (and has been for a long, long time) no frills and didn't have a lot of thought put into it.

I see the "node id" and "bind" functions in there; I think Gleb must have added them somewhere along the way. I'm not sure how much thought was put into making those be truly generic functions (I see them implemented in libnuma, which AFAIK is Linux-specific). Does Solaris have memory affinity function calls?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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