I filed the following bug report on Apple Developer Connexion. As a short summary, I suggest they get in touch with us and include the -- whole-archive mechanism in their ld.


19-Sep-2008 03:08 PM Aurelien Bouteiller:
Because the Apple ld does not include the GNU's ld --whole-archive/-- no-whole-archive mechanism to allow loading of all members of selective archives, libtool (including gnu libtool) is forced to unpack all the members of a convenience library (and later delete them), and afterwards needs to run dsymutil. Unfortunately, because the archives are uncompressed to a temporary space before being included in the final library, dsymutil seams to get confused. As a consequence, it is impossible to debug a library with gdb, the .o files never being found, even if the library actually contains all the necessary debug symbols.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Download a svn Open MPI trunk release (or any libtool based project, I've experienced the same problems when compiling my own gcc4.3). Please note that you need autoconf 2.62 and automake 1.10 to compile Open MPI trunk.
2. configure Open MPI with the debug options (configure --enable-debug)
3. make install
4. find or create a sample MPI program, mpicc it.
5. mpirun -np 1 gdb mpi_sample_program
6. break MPI_Init, r, n.

Expected results:
6: you should step each line of the MPI_Init function

Actual results:
6. you see a large number of warnings
warning: Could not find object file "/Users/bouteill/ompi/debug.build/ opal/.libs/libopen-pal.lax/libmca_memchecker.a/memchecker_base_open.o" - no debug information available for "../../../../trunk/opal/mca/ memchecker/base/memchecker_base_open.c".

You are unable to step in MPI_Init. Instead the execution continues up to reach the "main" function.

Used to work with Tiger.

If you need some more details or want to cooperate with us, please register to the Open MPI devel mailing list. As a major open source project we have been working on a fix for this issue for a while, but where unable to correct it without modifications to apple's ld.

We believe that the best workaround would be to include the --whole- archive/--no-whole-archive mechanism. Then there is no need anymore to unpack the convenience archives before building the .dylib, and as a friendly side effect compilation time should improve a lot.

* Dr. Aurélien Bouteiller
* Sr. Research Associate at Innovative Computing Laboratory
* University of Tennessee
* 1122 Volunteer Boulevard, suite 350
* Knoxville, TN 37996
* 865 974 6321
(on behalf of the Open MPI development community)

Le 19 sept. 08 à 17:22, Jeff Squyres a écrit :

Thanks for following up!

Aurelien, I'll leave this to you -- I rarely do OMPI development on my Mac...

On Sep 19, 2008, at 5:08 PM, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:


I asked Peter O'Gorman about this issue, and he said

| I believe that running dsymutil on the generated lib would then create a
| libfoo.dSYM in the .libs directory conatining all the necessary
| debugging information, which could be used for debugging the library in | the build tree (gdb should find it sitting there next to the original | library and use the debug information in the .dSYM). Libtool-2.2.6 does
| run dsymutil and create the .dSYM though...
| There should be a libmpi.dylib in a .libs directory and a
| libmpi.dylib.dSYM directory next to it.

Also, he said that it could help if you reported a bug at
<http://bugreporter.apple.com>, under the notion that the
more people file bugs with them, the more they will understand
what problems users have with the dsymutils issues.


* Aurélien Bouteiller wrote on Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 09:44:46PM CEST:

I didn't forgot to rerun autogen.sh (I even erased the libltdl, and
various libtool wrappers that are generated at autogen/configure time). I checked the link Ralf submitted to our attention. This is exactly the same problem, or at least the same symptoms. The last version of libtool
runs dsymutil on the created .so/.dylib, but the bad thing is that
dsymutil returns similar warning message about missing ".lax" files.
Therefore, even running it manually on the .dsym does not help.

I upgraded (compiled my own copy) my gcc to 4.3.2 (you should do it too, Jeff, the experimental have been giving me headaches in the past). Now, I also have the same warning messages for internal libs of gcc than for open MPI. This leads me to believe this is not an Open MPI bug, but more
probably a libtool/ld issue.

I'll switch to linux for my devel for now, but if you have any success


Le 19 sept. 08 à 15:20, Jeff Squyres a écrit :

I get the same problem on my MBP with 10.5.5.  However, I'm running
the gcc from hpc.sf.net:

[15:16] rtp-jsquyres-8713:~/mpi % gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.3.0 20071026 (experimental)

Not the /usr/bin/gcc that ships with Leopard.  I don't know if that
matters or not.

I'm using AC 2.63, AM 1.10.1, LT 2.2.6a with a fairly vanilla build of
Open MPI:

./configure --prefix=/Users/jsquyres/bogus --disable-mpi-f77 --

Here's what happens -- I fire up an MPI program and it deadlocks. I attach to an MPI process PID with gdb (I am using /usr/bin/gdb -- the
Leopard-shipped gdb).  I get oodles of messages like Aurelien's:

warning: Could not find object file "/data/jsquyres/svn/ompi/
ompi/.libs/libmpi.lax/libdatatype.a/convertor.o" - no debug
information available for "convertor.c".
warning: Could not find object file "/data/jsquyres/svn/ompi/
ompi/.libs/libmpi.lax/libdatatype.a/copy_functions.o" - no debug
information available for "copy_functions.c".
warning: Could not find object file "/data/jsquyres/svn/ompi/
ompi/.libs/libmpi.lax/libdatatype.a/ copy_functions_heterogeneous.o" - no debug information available for "copy_functions_heterogeneous.c".

On Sep 19, 2008, at 2:31 PM, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:

* Aurélien Bouteiller wrote on Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 08:02:40PM CEST:
Thanks Ralf for the support. I upgraded to libtool 2.2.6 and it
solved the problem though. Still looking for somebody to confirm
its working or not working on their Mac.

Did you rerun autogen.sh?  All I know is that your report looks
similar to <http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2008-08/msg00054.html> and that
one is apparently solved with Libtool 2.2.6.

If yours is still broken, then some more details would be nice.
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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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