Pasha and I *think* we have a fix. However, we're not quite clear on this part of the code, so we need some more testing and eyes on the code.

I'll start the tests now -- given that this is a low-frequency bug, I'm going to run a slightly larger MTT run (several thousand tests) that'll take a few hours (not the ~12 hours that my MTT run took yesterday) and see if we can get reasonable confidence that we fixed it.

On Jan 15, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

Unfortunately, I have to throw the flag in the v1.3 release.  :-(

I ran ~16k tests via MTT yesterday on the rc5 and rc6 tarballs. I found the following:

Found test runs: 15962
Passed: 15785 (98.89%)
Failed: 83 (0.52%)
--> Openib failures: 80 (0.50%)
Skipped: 46 (0.29%)
Timedout: 48 (0.30%)

The 80 openib failures are all seemingly random segv's. I repeated a much smaller run this morning (about 700 runs) and still found a non-zero percentage of fails of the same flavor.

The timeouts are a little worrysome as well.

This unfortunately requires investigation.  :-(

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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