On Feb 3, 2009, at 3:24 PM, George Bosilca wrote:

In the current bitmap implementation every time we set or check a bit we have to compute the index of the char where this bit is set and the relative position from the beginning of char. This requires two _VERY_ expensive operations: a division and a modulo. Compared with the cost of these two operation a quick test for a max bit is irrelevant.

In fact I think the safety limit if good for most cases. How about having the max bit to the limit used to initialize the bitmap? We can add a call to extend the bitmap in case some layer really need to extend it, but restrict all others layers to the number of bits requested when the bitmap is initialized.

The problem with this is that the original design expands the bitmap whenever you try to set a bit that doesn't yet exist. So you'd need to track down every place in the code that exercises this assumption.

You could set a max size if you want to (e.g., assuming you'll never have more than some_large_value of fortran handles [probably considerably less than the number of Fortran integers available], or somesuch).

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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