When you push something to an hg repo, you have to go to that repo and do an "hg up" to update it. Hg holds your changes until you do the update.

Once you have them in the hg repo, you can do an "svn st" to see if you need to do anything further before committing back to the svn repo - e.g., add or remove files. When you are ready, just do an "svn ci" to commit your changes to the svn repo.


On Feb 13, 2009, at 1:08 PM, Eugene Loh wrote:

I'm having trouble figuring out how to put my changes back to the trunk.

I've been looking at the wiki pages, but don't really see the one last piece that I need of this puzzle. I've used https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/wiki/UsingMercurial to get me through these steps:

svn check-out of trunk to make an svn workspace on milliways
turn this also into an hg repository
bring hg workspace over to a local (Sun) workspace
make changes
hg commit and push back to milliways

Now, two questions:

1) Why don't I see my changes on milliways? If I look at a file I changed in my local workspace, I don't see that change when I look at the same file on milliways. However, if I do a fresh hg clone from the milliways workspace, I do see the changes. So, somehow my changes are on milliways, but only in a way that hg sees them.

2) How do I get the changes from my milliways svn/hg workspace back into the trunk?

The workspace on milliways is /u/eloh/hg/sm_latency in case that matters.
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