Hi Christian,

Christian Siebert wrote:
I just gave the new release 1.3.1 a go. While Ethernet and InfiniBand seem to work properly, I noticed that Myrinet/GM compiles fine but gives a segmentation violation in the first attempt to communicate (MPI_Send in a simple "hello world" application). Is GM not supported anymore or is it just too old so that nobody tested it?

GM itself is supported and maintenance releases are tested (no more development releases), but Open-MPI/GM is not tested at the moment. GM does not run on Myri-10G NICs, so we have to use a smaller pool of machines with Myrinet 2000 NICs in them. Human usage and MTT runs for Open-MPI/MX have priority and MTT for Open-MPI/GM has not run for a while :-(

We will try to resume MTT testing with Open-MPI/GM when we have the resources. In the meantime, we'll look into the segfault.


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