Let me suggest a two-step process, then:
1. let's change the error message as this is easily done and thus can be
done now

2. I can look at how to eat the rankfile as a hostfile. This may not even be
possible - the problem is that the entire system is predicated on certain
ordering due to our framework architecture. So we get an allocation, and
then do a mapping against that allocation, filtering the allocation through
hostfiles, -host, and other options.

By the time we reach the rankfile mapper, we have already determined that we
don't have an allocation and have to abort. It is the rankfile mapper itself
that looks for the -rankfile option, so the system can have no knowledge
that someone has specified that option before that point - and thus, even if
I could parse the rankfile, I don't know it was given!

What will take time is to figure out a way to either:

(a) allow us to run the mapper even though we don't have any nodes we know
about, and allow the mapper to insert the nodes itself - without causing
non-rankfile uses to break (which could be a major feat); or

(b) have the overall system check for the rankfile option and pass it as a
hostfile as well, assuming that a hostfile wasn't also given, no RM-based
allocation exists, etc. - which breaks our abstraction rules and also opens
a possible can of worms.

Either way, I also then have to teach the hostfile parser how to realize it
is a rankfile format and convert the info in it into what we expected to
receive from a hostfile - another non-trivial problem.

I'm willing to give it a try - just trying to make clear why my response was
negative. It isn't as simple as it sounds...which is why Len and I didn't
pursue it when this was originally developed.


On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Terry Dontje <terry.don...@sun.com> wrote:

> Being a part of these discussions I can understand your reticence to reopen
> this discussion.  However, I think this is a major usability issue with this
> feature which actually is fairly important in order to get things to run
> performant. Which IMO is important.
> That being said I think there are one of two things that could be done to
> mitigate the issue.
> 1.  To eliminate the element of surprise by changing mpirun to eat rankfile
> without the hostfile.
> 2.  To change the error message to something understandable by the user
> such that they
> know they might be missing the hostfile option.
> Again I understand this topic is frustrating and there are some boundaries
> with the design that make these two option orthogonal to each other but I
> really believe we need to make the rankfile option something that is easily
> usable by our users.
> --td
> Ralph Castain wrote:
>> Having gone around in circles on hostfile-related issues for over five
>> years now, I honestly have little motivation to re-open the entire
>> discussion again. It doesn't seem to be that daunting a requirement for
>> those who are using it, so I'm inclined to just leave well enough alone.
>> :-)
>> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Eugene Loh <eugene....@sun.com <mailto:
>> eugene....@sun.com>> wrote:
>>    Ralph Castain wrote:
>>>    The two files have a slightly different format
>>    Agreed.
>>>    and completely different meaning.
>>    Somewhat agreed.  They're both related to mapping processes onto a
>>    cluster.
>>     The hostfile specifies how many slots are on a node. The rankfile
>>>    specifies a rank and what node/slot it is to be mapped onto.
>>    Agreed.
>>     Rankfiles can use relative node indexing and refer to nodes
>>>    received from a resource manager - i.e., without any hostfile.
>>    This is the main part I'm concerned about.  E.g.,
>>    % cat rankfile
>>    rank 0=node0 slot=0
>>    rank 1=node1 slot=0
>>    % mpirun -np 2 -rf rankfile ./a.out
>>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    Rankfile claimed host node1 that was not allocated or
>>    oversubscribed it's slots:
>>  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    [node0:14611] [[61560,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Bad parameter in file
>>    rmaps_rank_file.c at line 107
>>    [node0:14611] [[61560,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Bad parameter in file
>>    base/rmaps_base_map_job.c at line 86
>>    [node0:14611] [[61560,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Bad parameter in file
>>    base/plm_base_launch_support.c at line 86
>>    [node0:14611] [[61560,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Bad parameter in file
>>    plm_rsh_module.c at line 1016
>>    % mpirun -np 2 -host node0,node1 -rf rankfile ./a.out
>>    0 on node0
>>    1 on node1
>>    done
>>    It seems to me that the rankfile has sufficient information to
>>    express what I want it to do.  But mpirun won't accept this.  To
>>    fix this, I have to, e.g., supply/maintain/specify redundant
>>    information in a hostfile or host list.
>>     So the files are intentionally quite different. Trying to combine
>>>    them would be rather ugly.
>>    Right.  And my issue is that I'm forced to use both when I only
>>    want rankfile functionality.
>>     On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Eugene Loh <eugene....@sun.com
>>>    <mailto:eugene....@sun.com>> wrote:
>>>        In order to use "mpirun --rankfile", I also need to specify
>>>        hosts/hostlist.  But that information is redundant with what
>>>        I provide in the rankfile.  So, from a user's point of view,
>>>        this strikes me as broken.  Yes?  Should I file a ticket, or
>>>        am I missing something here about this functionality?
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