(Thanks, Nick, for explaining that kind values are compiler-dependent. I was too lazy to do that.)

Jeff Squyres wrote:
Given that I'll inevitably get the language wrong, can someone suggest proper verbiage for this statement in the OMPI README:

- MPI_REAL16 and MPI_COMPLEX32 are only supported on platforms where a
portable C datatype can be found that matches the Fortran type
REAL*16, both in size and bit representation. The Intel v11
compiler, for example, supports these types, but requires the use of
the "_16" suffix in Fortran when assigning constants to REAL*16

The _16 suffix really has nothing to do with whether there is a C datatype that corresponds to REAL*16. There are two separate issues here:

  1. In Fortran code, any floating point literal has the default kind
     unless otherwise specified. That means that you can get surprising
     results from a simple program designed to test whether a C
     compiler has a data type that corresponds to REAL*16: the least
     significant bits of a REAL*16 variable will be set to zero when
     the literal is assigned to it.
  2. Open MPI requires the C compiler to have a data type that has the
     same bit representation as the Fortran compiler's REAL*16. If the
     C compiler does not have such a data type, then Open MPI cannot
     support REAL*16 in its Fortran interface.

My understanding is that the Intel representative said that there is some compiler switch that allows the C compiler to have such a data type. I didn't pay enough attention to see whether there was some reason not to use the switch.

She also pointed out a bug in the Fortran test code that checks for the presence of the C data type. She suggested using a _16 suffix on a literal in that test code. Nick pointed out that that _16 suffix means, "make this literal a KIND=16 literal," which may mean different things to different compilers. In particular, REAL*16 may not be the same as REAL(KIND=16).

However, there is no standard way to specify, "make this literal a REAL*16 literal." That means that you have to do one of:

   * Declare the variable REAL(KIND=16) and use the _16 suffix on the
   * Define some parameter QUAD using the SELECTED_REAL_KIND intrinsic,
     declare the variable REAL(KIND=QUAD), and use the _QUAD suffix on
     the literal.
   * Assume that REAL*16 is the same as REAL(KIND=16) and use the _16
     suffix on the literal.

That assumption turns out to be safer than one might imagine. It is certainly true for the Sun and Intel compilers. I am pretty sure it is true for the PGI, Pathscale, and GNU compilers. I am not aware of any compilers for which it is not true, but that doesn't mean there is no such compiler.

All of which is a long winded way of saying that maybe the README ought to just say:

   MPI_REAL16 and MPI_COMPLEX32 are only supported on platforms where a
   portable C datatype can be found that matches the Fortran type
   REAL*16, both in size and bit representation.


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