I'm a bit disturbed by two things:

1. My questions were not answered before the DDT split was merged to the trunk.

2. The number of "fixup" commits and things that broke on the trunk after the DDT split was merged seem to indicate a lack of testing. What happened?

(perhaps this was addressed on the teleconf today; I was not there -- if it was discussed, forgive the redundancy...)

On Jul 9, 2009, at 7:08 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

Two comments:

Why : ...  Second
reason, is that now the data-type engine (without all the MPI
knowledge) is available to other projects.

We're still only shipping Open MPI as a whole as our official product, right? More specifically: we're not intending to ship OPAL independently, right? If other projects want to pick up OPAL themselves and use it (e.g., via SVN checkouts, Mercurial clones, official OMPI tarballs, etc.), that's fine. But I'd be opposed to creating a 2nd official distribution that was OPAL-only.

Performance tests on the ompi-ddt branch have proven that there is no
performance penalties associated with this change (tests done using
NetPipe-3.7.1 on smoky using BTL/sm, giving 1.6usecs on this platform).

1.6us sounds like pretty high sm latency...  Is this a slow platform?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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