Thank you for your hint. I found that prepare_src() didn't
return the correct size, i.e. it did

*size = max_data;

However, after ompi_convertor_pack(), max_data == 0 thus *size == 0
and free() is called without a prior send() in pml_ob1_sendreq.c:1064

I took this order from btl_openib.c's prepare_src().
So it seems that it doesn't cause any problems there but for me it does.

Thanks for your help.

Quoting George Bosilca <>:

Based on your code the only reason I can imagine for the second send to never be triggered is that the request is considered completed at that point.

I can't imagine how the free is called without a prior send. If I look at the code pml_ob1_sendreq.c:1061, the free is only called when the send fails, but it is always preceded by a send.

Can you check the return values of the ompi_convertor_pack and prepare_src please?


On Jul 21, 2009, at 11:55 , Sebastian Rinke wrote:

I am developing a new BTL component (Open MPI v1.3.2) for a new 3D-torus interconnect. During a simple message transfer of 16362 B between two nodes with MPI_Send(), MPI_Recv() I encounter the following:

The sender:

1. prepare_src() size: 16304 reserve: 32
 -> alloc() size: 16336
 -> ompi_convertor_pack(): 16304
2. send()
3. component_progress()
 -> send cb ()
 -> free()
4. component_progress()
 -> recv cb ()
    -> prepare_src() size: 58 reserve: 32
       -> alloc() size: 90
       -> ompi_convertor_pack(): 58
    -> free() size: 90  Send is missing !!!

The receiver:

1. component_progress()
 -> recv cb ()
    -> alloc() size: 32
    -> send()
2. component_progress()
 -> send cb ()
 -> free() size: 32
3. component_progress() for ever !!!

The problem is that after prepare_src() for the 2nd fragment, the
sender calls free() instead of send() in its recv cb. Thus, the 2nd
fragment is not being transmitted.
As a consequence, the receiver waits for the 2nd fragment.

I have found that mca_pml_ob1_recv_frag_callback_ack() is  the
corresponding recv cb. Before diving into the ob1 code,
could you tell me under which conditions this cb calls free() instead of send()
so that I can get an idea of where to look for errors in my BTL component.

Thank you very much in advance.

Sebastian Rinke

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