Sure - just configure with --enable-mca-no-build=filem-rsh,ess-singleton

That will avoid building either of those.

On Jun 6, 2010, at 9:46 PM, 张晶 wrote:

> I find the calls to fork/exec in the orte/mca/ess/singleton  and
> orte/mca/filem/rsh.  Since the rsh is the only componentfor the filem,
> I wonder  I can also omit the orte/mca/filem/rsh?
> 2010/6/4 Ralph Castain <>:
>> Jeff is correct - create an orte/odls/vxworks and do whatever you need for
>> that platform to launch a local child process.
>> I believe you will also find calls to fork/exec in the
>> orte/mca/ess/singleton area. You may want to add a configure.m4 to that
>> component to tell it not to build for vxworks.
>> 2010/6/4 Jeff Squyres <>
>>> Maybe gettimeofday() be replaced with opal_gettimeofday(), which could do
>>> the Right Thing on different platforms...?
>>> Also, for fork/exec, I think that should be mostly limited to
>>> orte/odls/default, right?  If so, perhaps the right thing to do is to clone
>>> that plugin and adapt it for you platform.
>>> On Jun 4, 2010, at 1:43 AM, 张晶 wrote:
>>>> Hi Castain ,
>>>> Your last mail to me is really helpful . I met most of the issues
>>>> listed and fixed them as the off-list solution or mine .
>>>> Also as the openmpi code changed there are some other issues (almost
>>>> the missing function ) that are not reported .For example , the
>>>> gettimeofday posix function is not implemented by vxworks library ,I
>>>> just wrote a small library for those function. Until now I have
>>>> successfully compiled  the  libopen-rte.a  and libopen-pal.a , but now
>>>> I stuck
>>>> at the problem of fork and exec ,which is not available in the
>>>> vxworks. It is not possible to implement the fork and exec by myself.I
>>>> have to read through the code using the fork ,then substitute them
>>>> with rtpspawn() . It is a challenging work.I really want to know how
>>>> Brian Barrett deals with the fork() and exec() .
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Jing
>>>> 2010/3/18 Ralph Castain <>:
>>>>> Hi Jing
>>>>> Someone else took a look at this off-list a few years ago. It was
>>>>> mostly a
>>>>> problem with the build system (some flags are different) and header
>>>>> file
>>>>> names. I don't believe the port was ever completed though.
>>>>> I have appended the results of that conversation - the last message
>>>>> contained a list of the issues. You would need to update that to the
>>>>> trunk
>>>>> of course as the code has changed considerably since that discussion
>>>>> took
>>>>> place. Brian Barrett subsequently created a first-cut at fixing some
>>>>> of
>>>>> these, but that appears to have been lost in the years since it was
>>>>> done -
>>>>> and wouldn't really be current anyway.
>>>>> I would be happy to assist as I can.
>>>>> Ralph
>>>>> 1. configure issues with "checking prefix for global symbol labels"
>>>>> 1a. VxWorks assembler (CCAS=asppc) generates a.out by default (vs.
>>>>> conftest.o that we need subsequently)
>>>>> there is this fragment to determine the way to assemble conftest.s:
>>>>> if test "$CC" = "$CCAS" ; then
>>>>>    ompi_assemble="$CCAS $CCASFLAGS -c conftest.s >conftest.out 2>&1"
>>>>> else
>>>>>    ompi_assemble="$CCAS $CCASFLAGS conftest.s >conftest.out 2>&1"
>>>>> fi
>>>>> The subsequent link fails because conftest.o does not exist:
>>>>>   ompi_link="$CC $CFLAGS conftest_c.$OBJEXT conftest.$OBJEXT -o
>>>>> conftest >
>>>>> 2>&1"
>>>>> To work around the problem, I did not set CCAS. This gives me the
>>>>> first
>>>>> invocation that includes the -c argument to CC=ccppc, generating
>>>>> conftest.o output.
>>>>> 1b. linker fails because LDFLAGS are not passed
>>>>> The same linker command line caused problems because $CFLAGS were
>>>>> passed
>>>>> to the linker
>>>>>   ompi_link="$CC $CFLAGS conftest_c.$OBJEXT conftest.$OBJEXT -o
>>>>> conftest >
>>>>> 2>&1"
>>>>> In my environment, I set CC/CFLAGS/LDFLAGS as follows:
>>>>> CC=ccppc
>>>>> CFLAGS=-ggdb3 -std=c99 -pedantic -mrtp -msoft-float -mstrict-align
>>>>> -mregnames -fno-builtin -fexceptions'
>>>>> LDFLAGS=-mrtp -msoft-float -Wl,--start-group -Wl,--end-group
>>>>> -L/amd/raptor/root/opt/WindRiver/vxworks-6.3/target/usr/lib/ppc/PPC32/sfcommon
>>>>> The linker flags are not passed because the ompi_link
>>>>> [xp-kcain1:build_vxworks]  ccppc -ggdb3 -std=c99 -pedantic -mrtp
>>>>> -msoft-float -mstrict-align -mregnames -fno-builtin -fexceptions -o
>>>>> hello hello.c
>>>>> /amd/raptor/root/opt/WindRiver/gnu/3.4.4-vxworks-6.3/x86-linux2/bin/../lib/gcc/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/3.4.4/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld:
>>>>> cannot find -lc_internal
>>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>> 2. OPAL atomics asm.c:
>>>>> int versus int32_t (refer to email with Brian Barrett
>>>>> 3. OPAL event/event.c: sys/time.h and timercmp() macros not defined by
>>>>> VxWorks
>>>>> refer to workaround in event.c using #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> 4. OPAL event/event.c: pipe() syscall not found
>>>>> workaround:
>>>>> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
>>>>> #include <unistd.h>
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <ioLib.h>        /* for pipe() */
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 5. OPAL event/signal.c
>>>>> static sig_atomic_t opal_evsigcaught[NSIG];
>>>>> NSIG is not defined
>>>>> but _NSIGS is
>>>>> In Linux, NSIG is defined with -D__USE_MISC
>>>>> So I added this code fragment to signal.c:
>>>>> /* VxWorks signal.h defines _NSIGS, not NSIG */
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #define NSIG (_NSIGS+1)
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 6. OPAL event/signal.c: no socketpair()
>>>>> workaround: use pipe():
>>>>> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
>>>>> #include <unistd.h>
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <ioLib.h>        /* for pipe() */
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> and later in void opal_evsignal_init(sigset_t *evsigmask)
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>>        if (pipe(ev_signal_pair) == -1)
>>>>>                event_err(1, "%s: pipe", __func__);
>>>>> #else
>>>>>    if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, ev_signal_pair) == -1)
>>>>>        event_err(1, "%s: socketpair", __func__);
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 7. OPAL util/basename.c: #if HAVE_DIRNAME problem
>>>>> ../../../opal/util/basename.c:23:5: warning: "HAVE_DIRNAME" is not
>>>>> defined
>>>>> ../../../opal/util/basename.c: In function `opal_dirname':
>>>>> problem: HAVE_DIRNAME is not defined in opal_config.h so the #if
>>>>> HAVE_DIRNAME will fail at preprocessor/compile time
>>>>> workaround:
>>>>> change #if HAVE_DIRNAME to #if defined(HAVE_DIRNAME)
>>>>> 8. OPAL util/basename.c: strncopy_s and _strdup
>>>>> ../../../opal/util/basename.c: In function `opal_dirname':
>>>>> ../../../opal/util/basename.c:153: error: implicit declaration of
>>>>> function `strncpy_s'
>>>>> ../../../opal/util/basename.c:160: error: implicit declaration of
>>>>> function `_strdup'
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>>        strncpy( ret, filename, p - filename);
>>>>> #else
>>>>>                strncpy_s( ret, (p - filename + 1), filename, p -
>>>>> filename );
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>>    return strdup(".");
>>>>> #else
>>>>>    return _strdup(".");
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 9. opal/util/if.c: socket() prototype not found in vxworks headers
>>>>> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H
>>>>> #include <sys/socket.h>
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <sockLib.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 10. opal/util/if.c: ioctl()
>>>>> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H
>>>>> #include <sys/ioctl.h>
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <ioLib.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 11. opal/util/os_path.c: MAXPATHLEN change to PATH_MAX
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>>    if (total_length > PATH_MAX) {  /* path length is too long - reject
>>>>> it */
>>>>>        return(NULL);
>>>>> #else
>>>>>    if (total_length > MAXPATHLEN) {  /* path length is too long -
>>>>> reject it */
>>>>>        return(NULL);
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 12. opal/util/output.c: gethostname()
>>>>> include <hostLib.h>
>>>>> 13. opal/util/output.c: MAXPATHLEN
>>>>> same fix as os_path.c above
>>>>> 14. opal/util/output.c: closelog/openlog/syslog
>>>>> manually turned off HAVE_SYSLOG_H in opal_config.h
>>>>> then got a patch from Jeff Squyres that avoids syslog
>>>>> 15. opal/util/opal_pty.c
>>>>> complains about mismatched prototype of opal_openpty() between this
>>>>> source file and opal_pty.h
>>>>> workaround: manually edit
>>>>> build_vxworks_ppc/opal/include/opal_config.h,
>>>>> use the following line (change 1 to 0):
>>>>> 16. opal/util/stacktrace.c
>>>>> FPE_FLTINV not present in signal.h
>>>>> workaround: edit opal_config.h to turn off
>>>>> OMPI_WANT_PRETTY_PRINT_STACKTRACE (this can be explicitly configured
>>>>> out
>>>>> but I don't want to reconfigure because I hacked #15 above)
>>>>> 17. opal/mca/base/mca_base_open.c
>>>>> gethostname() -- same as opal/util/output.c, must include hostLib.h
>>>>> 18. opal_progress.c
>>>>> from opal/event/event.h (that I modified earlier)
>>>>> cannot find #include <sys/_timeradd.h>
>>>>> It is in opal/event/compat/sys
>>>>> workaround: change event.h to include the definitions that are present
>>>>> in _timeradd.h instead of including it.
>>>>> 19. Link errors for opal_wrapper
>>>>> strcasecmp
>>>>> strncasecmp
>>>>> I rolled my own in mca_base_open.c (temporary fix, since we may come
>>>>> across
>>>>> this problem elsewhere in the code).
>>>>> 20. dss_internal.h uses a type 'uint'
>>>>> Not sure if it's depending on something in the headers, or something
>>>>> it
>>>>> defined on its own.
>>>>> I changed it to be just like the header I found somewhere under Linux
>>>>> /usr/include:
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> typedef unsigned int uint;
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 21. struct iovec definition needed
>>>>> orte/mca/iof/base/iof_base_fragment.h:45: warning: array type has
>>>>> incomplete element type
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <net/uio.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> not sure if this is right, or if I should include something like
>>>>> <netBufLib.h> or <ioLib.h>
>>>>> 22. iof_base_setup.c
>>>>> struct termios not understood
>>>>> can only find termios.h header in 'diab' area and I'm not using that
>>>>> compiler.
>>>>> a variable usepty is set to 0 already when OMPI_ENABLE_PTY_SUPPORT is
>>>>> 0.
>>>>> So, why are we compiling this fragment of code at all? I hacked the
>>>>> file
>>>>> so that the struct termios code will not get compiled.
>>>>> 23. oob_base_send/recv.c, oob_base_send/recv_nb.c. struct iovec not
>>>>> known.
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <net/uio.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 24. orte/mca/rmgr/base/rmgr_base_check_context.c:58: error:
>>>>> `MAXHOSTNAMELEN' undeclared (first use in this function)
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 64
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 25. orte/mca/rmgr/base/rmgr_base_check_context.c:58:
>>>>> gethostname()
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <hostLib.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 26. orte/mca/iof/proxy/iof_proxy.h:135: warning: array type has
>>>>> incomplete element type
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/iof/proxy/iof_proxy.h:135: error: field
>>>>> `proxy_iov' has incomplete type
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <net/uio.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 27. /orte/mca/iof/svc/iof_svc.h:147: warning: array type has
>>>>> incomplete
>>>>> element type
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/iof/svc/iof_svc.h:147: error: field `svc_iov'
>>>>> has incomplete type
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <net/uio.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> 28. ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp_msg.h:66: warning: array
>>>>> type has incomplete element type
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp_msg.h:66: error: field
>>>>> `msg_iov'
>>>>> has incomplete type
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp_msg.h: In function
>>>>> `mca_oob_tcp_msg_iov_alloc':
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp_msg.h:196: error: invalid
>>>>> application of `sizeof' to incomplete type `iovec'
>>>>> 29. ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:344: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `accept'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c: In function
>>>>> `mca_oob_tcp_create_listen':
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:383: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `socket'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:399: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `bind'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:407: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `getsockname'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:415: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `listen'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c: In function
>>>>> `mca_oob_tcp_listen_thread':
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:459: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `bzero'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c: In function
>>>>> `mca_oob_tcp_recv_probe':
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:696: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `send'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c: In function
>>>>> `mca_oob_tcp_recv_handler':
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:795: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `recv'
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c: In function
>>>>> `mca_oob_tcp_init':
>>>>> ../../../../../orte/mca/oob/tcp/oob_tcp.c:1087: error: implicit
>>>>> declaration of function `usleep'
>>>>> This gets rid of most (except bzero and usleep)
>>>>> #ifdef MCS_VXWORKS
>>>>> #include <sockLib.h>
>>>>> #endif
>>>>> Trying to reconfigure the package so CFLAGS will not include
>>>>> -pedantic.
>>>>> This is because $WIND_HOME/vxworks-6.3/target/h/string.h has protos
>>>>> for
>>>>> bzero, but only when #if _EXTENSION_WRS is true. So turn off
>>>>> -ansi/-pedantic gets this? In my dreams?
>>>>> On Mar 17, 2010, at 9:54 PM, 张晶 wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> In order to add some real-time feature to the OpenMPI for some
>>>>> research ,I
>>>>> need a OpenMPI version running on VxWorks. But after going through the
>>>>> Open-MPI website ,I can't found any indication that it supports
>>>>> VxWorks .
>>>>> Follow the thread posted by Ralph Castain ,
>>>>> .
>>>>> I read some paper about the OpenRTE ,like "Creating a transparent,
>>>>> distributed, and resilient computing environment: the OpenRTE project"
>>>>> and
>>>>> "The Open Run-Time Environment (OpenRTE):A Transparent Multi-cluster
>>>>> Environment for High-Performance Computing"which is written by Ralph
>>>>> H.
>>>>> Castain ・ Jeffrey M. Squyres and others .
>>>>> Now I have a basic understanding of the OpenRTE , however ,there is
>>>>> too few
>>>>> document of the OpenRTE describing the implement of the OpenRTE . I
>>>>> don't
>>>>> know
>>>>> where and how to begin the migration . Any advice will be appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Jing Zhang
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>>>> 张晶
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>>> Jeff Squyres
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> 张晶
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