It didn't work. Let's try with this small complete application:

#include <stdint.h>

#define SMPLOCK "lock;"

static inline int opal_atomic_cmpset_32( volatile int32_t *addr,
                                        int32_t oldval, int32_t newval)
   unsigned char ret;
   __asm__ __volatile__ (
                       SMPLOCK "cmpxchgl %1,%2   \n\t"
                               "sete     %0      \n\t"
                       : "=qm" (ret)
                       : "q"(newval), "m"(*addr), "a"(oldval)
                       : "memory");

   return (int)ret;

int main(int argc, char* argv[] )
  int32_t value = 0, oldval = 0, delta = 1;
  int32_t* addr = &value;

  do {
      oldval = *addr;
  } while (0 == opal_atomic_cmpset_32(addr, oldval, oldval + delta));
  return (oldval + delta);


On Jun 8, 2010, at 14:42 , Jeff Squyres wrote:

> Look at my output -- I did...
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:40 AM, George Bosilca wrote:
>> Still no good, the opal_atomic_cmpset_32 is not inlined. Try to add -O3 to 
>> your command line, this helped for gcc.
>>  Thanks,
>>    george.
>> On Jun 8, 2010, at 14:14 , Jeff Squyres wrote:
>>> On Jun 8, 2010, at 9:53 AM, George Bosilca wrote:
>>>> As you can see there is no explicit call, the opal_atomic_cmpset_32 is 
>>>> really inlined. I think the problem is that you didn't specify the -O3 
>>>> flag on your command line.
>>> Ah, you wanted me to compile the OMPI code itself and send you the 
>>> assembly.  That's not what you asked for.  :-)
>>> (I just took the code you sent in the mail, stuffed it into george.c, and 
>>> compiled that with -s -- outside of the context of the Open MPI code tree)
>>> Here's the new output.  It still didn't inline, but you can see the code 
>>> for the _cmpset function:
>>> -----
>>> [7:13] svbu-mpi:~/tmp % cat george.c                                        
>>> #include <stdint.h>
>>> #include "opal/sys/atomic.h"
>>> int foo(void) {
>>> int32_t oldval, delta;
>>> int32_t *addr = 0;
>>>  do {
>>>     oldval = *addr;
>>>  } while (0 == opal_atomic_cmpset_32(addr, oldval, oldval + delta));
>>>  return (oldval + delta);
>>> }
>>> [7:13] svbu-mpi:~/tmp % pgcc -O3 -I /home/jsquyres/svn/ompi4 
>>> -I/home/jsquyres/svn/ompi4/opal/include -c -s george.c
>>> [7:13] svbu-mpi:~/tmp % cat george.s                                        
>>>           .file   "george.c"
>>>      .version        "01.01"
>>> ## PGC 7.0 -opt 1
>>> ## PGC 06/08/2010  05:10:04
>>> ## pgcc george.c -c -S
>>> ## /opt/pgi/7.0.7/linux86-64/7.0-7/bin/pgc
>>> ## george.c -opt 1 -terse 1 -inform warn -x 119 0xa10000 -x 122 0x40 -x 123 
>>> 0x1000
>>> ## -x 127 4 -x 127 16 -x 19 0x400000 -x 28 0x40000 -x 70 0x8000 -x 122 1 
>>> -quad
>>> ## -x 59 4 -x 59 4 -tp p7-64 -astype 0 -stdinc 
>>> /opt/pgi/7.0.7/linux86-64/7.0-7/include:/usr/local/include:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/include:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/include:/usr/include
>>> ## -def unix -def __unix -def __unix__ -def linux -def __linux -def 
>>> __linux__
>>> ## -def __NO_MATH_INLINES -def __x86_64__ -def 
>>> __LONG_MAX__=9223372036854775807L
>>> ## -def __SIZE_TYPE__=unsigned long int -def __PTRDIFF_TYPE__=long int -def 
>>> __THROW=
>>> ## -def __extension__= -def __amd64__ -def __SSE__ -def __MMX__ -def 
>>> __SSE2__
>>> ## -def __SSE3__ -predicate #machine(x86_64) #lint(off) #system(posix) 
>>> #cpu(x86_64)
>>> ## -cmdline +pgcc george.c -c -S -x 123 4 -x 123 0x80000000 -alwaysinline 
>>> /opt/pgi/7.0.7/linux86-64/7.0-7/lib/ 4
>>> ## -asm george.s
>>> ## lineno: 3
>>>      .text
>>>      .align  16
>>>      .globl  foo
>>> foo:
>>> ..Dcfb0:
>>>      pushq   %rbp
>>> ..Dcfi0:
>>>      movq    %rsp, %rbp
>>> ..Dcfi1:
>>>      subq    $16, %rsp
>>> ..EN1:
>>> ## lineno: 5
>>>      movq    $0, -8(%rbp)
>>>      .p2align        4,,3
>>> .LB157:
>>> ## lineno: 6
>>>      movq    -8(%rbp), %rdi
>>>      movl    (%rdi), %esi
>>>      movl    %esi, -12(%rbp)
>>>      movl    -16(%rbp), %edx
>>>      addl    %esi, %edx
>>>      xorl    %eax, %eax
>>>      call    opal_atomic_cmpset_32
>>>      testl   %eax, %eax
>>>      je      .LB157
>>>      movl    -16(%rbp), %eax
>>>      addl    -12(%rbp), %eax
>>> ## lineno: 10
>>>      leave
>>>      ret
>>>      .type   foo,@function
>>>      .size   foo,.-foo
>>> ..Dcfe0:
>>> __fooEND:
>>>      .section        .pgi_trace
>>>      .align  8
>>>      .quad   foo     ## address of routine
>>>      .quad   __fooEND - foo  ## size of routine
>>>      .2byte  0       ## flags for future use
>>>      .2byte  3       ## length of following string
>>> ## name:foo:
>>>      .byte   0x66,0x6f,0x6f,0x00
>>>      .data
>>>      .globl  opal_atomic_cmpset_32
>>>      .section        .debug_frame
>>> ..Dcieb0:
>>>      .4byte  ..Dciee0-..Dcieb0-4     ## CIE length
>>>      .4byte  0xffffffff      ## CIE ID
>>>      .byte   0x1     ## CIE version
>>>      .byte   0x0     ## no augmentation
>>>      .byte   0x1     ## ULEB128 1, code alignment factor
>>>      .byte   0x78    ## SLEB128 -8, data alignment factor
>>>      .byte   0x10    ## return address column
>>>      .byte   0xc     ## DW_CFA_def_cfa (col 7)
>>>      .byte   0x7     ## ULEB128 7
>>>      .byte   0x8     ## ULEB128 8
>>>      .byte   0x90    ## DW_CFA_offset (col 16)
>>>      .byte   0x1     ## ULEB128 1
>>>      .align  8
>>> ..Dciee0:
>>>      .4byte  ..Dfdee0-..Dfdeb0       ## FDE length
>>> ..Dfdeb0:
>>>      .4byte  ..Dcieb0        ## CIE pointer
>>>      .quad   ..Dcfb0 ## initial location
>>>      .quad   ..Dcfe0-..Dcfb0 ## address range
>>>      .byte   0x4     ## DW_CFA_advance_loc4
>>>      .4byte  ..Dcfi0-..Dcfb0
>>>      .byte   0xe     ## DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset
>>>      .byte   0x10    ## ULEB128 16
>>>      .byte   0x86    ## DW_CFA_offset (col 6)
>>>      .byte   0x2     ## ULEB128 2
>>>      .byte   0x4     ## DW_CFA_advance_loc4
>>>      .4byte  ..Dcfi1-..Dcfi0
>>>      .byte   0xd     ## DW_CFA_def_cfa_register (col 6)
>>>      .byte   0x6     ## ULEB128 6
>>>      .align  8
>>> ..Dfdee0:
>>>      .ident  "PGC 7.0-7"
>>> [7:13] svbu-mpi:~/tmp %
>>> -----
>>> --
>>> Jeff Squyres
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> -- 
> Jeff Squyres
> For corporate legal information go to:
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