The PGI compiler unnecessarily complains (issues a warning) when 0 (which it should be automatically converting to the null pointer constant) is an operand in a conditional expression. For example, there are two instances (lines 444 and 459) in opal/mca/memory/ ptmalloc2/hooks.c:

444 and 459:  return victim ? BOUNDED_N(victim, sz) : 0;

PGC-W-0095-Type cast required for this conversion (./hooks.c: 444)
PGC-W-0155-Pointer value created from a nonlong integral type (./ hooks.c: 444)
PGC-W-0095-Type cast required for this conversion (./hooks.c: 459)
PGC-W-0155-Pointer value created from a nonlong integral type (./ hooks.c: 459)

and three instances (lines 3446, 3664, and 3789) in opal/mca/memory/ ptmalloc2/malloc.c:

3446 and 3664: ar_ptr = arena_get2(ar_ptr->next ? ar_ptr : 0, bytes);
3789:      av = arena_get2(av->next ? av : 0, sz);

PGC-W-0095-Type cast required for this conversion (malloc.c: 3446)
PGC-W-0155-Pointer value created from a nonlong integral type (malloc.c: 3446)
PGC-W-0095-Type cast required for this conversion (malloc.c: 3664)
PGC-W-0155-Pointer value created from a nonlong integral type (malloc.c: 3664)
PGC-W-0095-Type cast required for this conversion (malloc.c: 3789)
PGC-W-0155-Pointer value created from a nonlong integral type (malloc.c: 3789)

Replacing 0 with NULL eliminates these warnings.

Larry Baker
US Geological Survey

On Aug 17, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

We still have one known possible regression:

But we posted rc5 anyway (there's a bunch of stuff that has been pending for a while that is now in). Please test!

Jeff Squyres
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