
This is seen when compiling Open MPI. I suspect that gcc's analysis is seeing a free() call on a value it can prove did not come from malloc() (or equivalent). However, if as you say the value is always NULL, then this would be a false alarm.


Ralph Castain wrote:
Hi Paul

Much appreciate all your testing!

Quick question here: is this on compile, or were you trying to run something?

We haven't seen this before, but I'm wondering if it is due to us failing to 
initialize an object's fields. If so, then it might be we don't see it because 
those fields usually default to zero (looks like NULL), but you might see it if 
they don't on your system.


On Aug 24, 2010, at 10:19 PM, Paul H. Hargrove wrote:

With both recent RCs I get the following suspicious warnings from gcc-4.5.0 on 


../../../../../ompi/mca/dpm/orte/dpm_orte.c:963:5: warning: attempt to free a 
non-heap object 'ompi_mpi_comm_null'
../../../../../ompi/mca/dpm/orte/dpm_orte.c:965:5: warning: attempt to free a 
non-heap object 'ompi_mpi_group_null'
../../../../../ompi/mca/dpm/orte/dpm_orte.c:967:5: warning: attempt to free a 
non-heap object 'ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal'


../../../../../ompi/mca/dpm/orte/dpm_orte.c:990:5: warning: attempt to free a 
non-heap object 'ompi_mpi_comm_null'
../../../../../ompi/mca/dpm/orte/dpm_orte.c:992:5: warning: attempt to free a 
non-heap object 'ompi_mpi_group_null'
../../../../../ompi/mca/dpm/orte/dpm_orte.c:994:5: warning: attempt to free a 
non-heap object 'ompi_mpi_errors_are_fatal'


Paul H. Hargrove                          phhargr...@lbl.gov
Future Technologies Group
HPC Research Department                   Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

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Paul H. Hargrove                          phhargr...@lbl.gov
Future Technologies Group
HPC Research Department                   Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

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