
the appendix is my config.log. Hope it will be helpful.


On 06/27/2011 03:22 PM, Josh Hursey wrote:
I tried a fresh checkout of the trunk this morning (r24823) and could
not reproduce with that configure string on a Linux
2.6.18-238.12.1.el5 x86_64 machine.

Can you send a zip'ed up copy of your config.log? That may help us
highlight any other environment differences.

-- Josh

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Xin He<xin.i...@ericsson.com>  wrote:

I even tried re-downloading the whole project and did all things. First
autogen, then ./configure --disable-mpi-f90 --disable-mpi-f77
--disable-mpi-cxx --disable-vt --disable-io-romio --prefix=/usr
--enable-heterogeneous. It was during "make" those messages displayed.

I'm using Ubuntu 64bit.


On 06/23/2011 05:49 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
Xin --

Can you provide more details on exactly what part of the build is failing?
  None of the rest of us are seeing the problem.

When you svn up'ed, did you re-run autogen.pl / configure?

On Jun 23, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Xin He wrote:

Thanks for the tips about configuration. Yet the build still failed.
Anyway, I managed to roll back to an earlier version and successfully
installed :)


On 06/23/2011 01:26 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
I don't believe we have changed anything in the trunk w.r.t. the Fortran
90 stuff (there's stuff off in a branch waiting to come in, but I don't
think it has come in).

Since you're primarily working on a new BTL, you might want to speed up
your configure/build process by disabling Fortran and other optional stuff.

     ./configure --disable-mpi-f90 --disable-mpi-f77 --disable-mpi-cxx
--disable-vt --disable-io-romio ...

That should speed things up a bit, and also avoid whatever this Fortran
problem is.

On Jun 23, 2011, at 7:23 AM, Xin He wrote:


as I compiled the sources from "trunk". I got these error messages when
doing make:

make  all-am
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ehhexxn/git/ompi/ompi/include'
  FC     mpif90-ext.lo
libtool: compile: unrecognized option `-c'
libtool: compile: Try `libtool --help' for more information.
make[3]: *** [mpif90-ext.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ehhexxn/git/ompi/ompi/include'
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ehhexxn/git/ompi/ompi/include'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ehhexxn/git/ompi/ompi'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

I was able to compile an earlier version of trunk.

Best regards,
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