Hi Renyong,

If the same problem occurs under Linux, then the Boost.MPI library might have compatible issues with Open MPI, but it still needs to be verified.

However, I'm also confused why the simple code didn't work for you. The only guess is the environment is messed up by different MPI implementations, that the launched mpi processes are several 'singleton' jobs which have all rank 0.


On 2011-08-09 2:00 PM, renyong.yang wrote:

I've solved the same weird error on Linux, but have not tried Windows yet. The error recurs on Linux system, when I firstly use mpich on my Linux, the program works fine, then I uninstalled it and switched to your open-mpi, the error came out without warning, and I tried to change the compiler to mpic++ other than g++, the error remains. So I doubt if the Boost.MPI is compatible with current MPI system, I recompiled the Boost.MPI library and substituted the old ones, the code with Boost library came back to work. So I guess the old compiled Boost library depends on other library like mpich, so it can't work with current open-mpi because they are incompatible, however, I'm still confused why simple code (In the last mail I sent to you) which does not depend on Boost library(I never used mpich on Windows before), can not work.


2011/8/9 Shiqing Fan <f...@hlrs.de <mailto:f...@hlrs.de>>


    The code works for me under MinGW console with the pre-compiled
    installer. Could you try "which mpicc" to ensure that the correct
    Open MPI commands are in path?

    For building Open MPI by your self with CMake, you have to
    configure it in the GUI and then generate the sln files by
    pressing the generate button. I don't recommend to use the other
    two means, they haven't been tested for some while.


    On 2011-08-09 3:48 AM, renyong.yang wrote:
     the following code:
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int  procnum;

    /* Initialize MPI */
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    /* Find out this processor number */
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &procnum);
    /* Find out the number of processors */
    std::cout << "I'm process: " << procnum << std::endl;

    return 0;

    also goes with the same rank "0" error, I think if there's
    something wrong with the auxiliary program "mpirun" ?

    BTW, I tried all the 3 means on your
    http://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi/trunk/README.WINDOWS.txt guideline
    but none worked to compile my own dll for
    the first approach failed because I found no .sln file in the
    distributed tarballs after configuring with cmake, the second
    mean I can not use is the lacking of ompi-static.tgz file, the
    3rd solution I tried does not work neither, because I don't know
    what the ash.exe shell interpreter you are actually pointing to,
    so I'd be much appreciated if you can tell me the  a working
    approach. Thanks very much.

    2011/8/9 Shiqing Fan <f...@hlrs.de <mailto:f...@hlrs.de>>


        I've never tried this Boost.MPI with Open MPI on Windows.
        Does it work without the Boost.MPI library? Did you run your
        test under MinGW?


        On 2011-08-08 5:31 PM, renyong.yang wrote:
         Run time environment of mine is Windows 7, with the
        unstable OpenMPI_v1.5.3-2_win32.exe
        for Windows, together with Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack.
        Additionally I'm using Boost.MPI library v1.47 compiled by
        mingw, I write those following codes:
        int main(int argc, char **argv)
        mpi::environment env(argc, argv); // Boost.MPI class
        boost::mpi::communicator worldCom; // Boost.MPI class
        std::cout << "rank():" << worldCom.rank() << std::endl;

        return 0;
        and successfully compiled and linked with your library as
        "a.exe" by mingw, however, if I run it:
        >mpirun -np 4 a.exe
        the command will create 4 process with the same rank "0", I
        wonder if it's the bug of your unstable release for windows?
        BTW, can you publish the Visual studio project to the
        subversion? Thanks very much.

        devel mailing list
        de...@open-mpi.org  <mailto:de...@open-mpi.org>

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
        Shiqing Fan
        High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
        Tel: ++49(0)711-685-87234      Nobelstrasse 19
        Fax: ++49(0)711-685-65832      70569 Stuttgart
        email:f...@hlrs.de  <mailto:f...@hlrs.de>

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
    Shiqing Fan
    High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
    Tel: ++49(0)711-685-87234      Nobelstrasse 19
    Fax: ++49(0)711-685-65832      70569 Stuttgart
    email:f...@hlrs.de  <mailto:f...@hlrs.de>

Shiqing Fan
High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Tel: ++49(0)711-685-87234      Nobelstrasse 19
Fax: ++49(0)711-685-65832      70569 Stuttgart
email: f...@hlrs.de

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