As an infrequent contributor, my opinion may not carry much weight, but I offer it anyway:

I don't like the name Vader and would prefer xpmem.
However, my position on the CHANGE is best given by:
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
        --Evelyn Beatrice Hall, though commonly misattributed to Voltaire


On 11/17/2011 8:48 AM, Shamis, Pavel wrote:
+1,  If Nathan don't mind to change the name, then it's ok.

Pavel (Pasha) Shamis
Application Performance Tools Group
Computer Science and Math Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

On Nov 17, 2011, at 11:34 AM, Barrett, Brian W wrote:

On 11/17/11 6:29 AM, "Ralph Castain"<>  wrote:

Frankly, the only vote that counts is Nathan's - it's his btl, and we
have never forcibly made someone rename their component. I would suggest
we not set that precedent. I'm comfortable with whatever he decides to
call it.
I have no objection to a rename, but agree with Ralph that this seems like
the sort of thing that should be handled by asking Nathan first (which
Jeff may have done, who knows).  Naming arguments are always painful and
we've largely avoided them.  I'd hate to start with a situation where we
don't talk to the original author of the code first.


  Brian W. Barrett
  Dept. 1423: Scalable System Software
  Sandia National Laboratories

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