+1 on Ralph's comment -- it's not on the trunk.  Perhaps the CMR didn't 
properly remove it from v1.5, but that explains why it's not in the v1.5 

On Dec 15, 2011, at 5:08 PM, George Bosilca wrote:

> This is quite impressive. After digging a little bit more, it appears that 
> the orte/tools/orterun/debuggers.c is in the repository but it is not used 
> for compilation. Thus, I really don't see where the second definition is 
> coming from?
>  george.
> On Dec 15, 2011, at 17:02 , George Bosilca wrote:
>> On Dec 15, 2011, at 16:55 , Ashley Pittman wrote:
>>> There is a problem with 1.5.5rc1 that prevents padb from loading the 
>>> process table start from the orterun process, what appears to be happening 
>>> is that MPIR_proctable and MPIR_proctable_size is present in both orterun 
>>> itself and also in libopen-rte.so, the code is correctly setting them in 
>>> libopen-rte.so however when gdb is picking the variable from orterun in 
>>> preference and hence padb is reading NULL values.
>> Indeed, there are two definitions, but a single declaration. This is true 
>> for both the trunk and the 1.5.
>> ./orte/mca/debugger/base/base.h:61:ORTE_DECLSPEC extern struct MPIR_PROCDESC 
>> *MPIR_proctable;
>> ./orte/mca/debugger/base/base.h:62:ORTE_DECLSPEC extern int 
>> MPIR_proctable_size;
>> ./orte/mca/debugger/base/debugger_base_open.c:42:struct MPIR_PROCDESC 
>> *MPIR_proctable = NULL;
>> ./orte/mca/debugger/base/debugger_base_open.c:43:int MPIR_proctable_size = 0;
>> ./orte/tools/orterun/debuggers.c:142:struct MPIR_PROCDESC *MPIR_proctable = 
>> NULL;
>> ./orte/tools/orterun/debuggers.c:143:int MPIR_proctable_size = 0;
>> george.
>>> Attached is a log showing the problem, the only change I made to the source 
>>> is to add a call to orte_debugger_base_dump() before the return from 
>>> orte_debugger_base_init_after_spawn(), it looks like this could also have 
>>> been achieved via a debug setting but I couldn't see how.
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