Dear All,

Next is question about "MPI_Close_port".
According to the MPI-2.2 standard, 
the "port_name" argument of
MPI_Close_port() is marked as 'IN'.
But, in Open MPI (both trunk and 1.4.x), the content of
"port_name" is updated in MPI_Close_port().
It seems to violate the MPI standard.

The following is the suspicious part.
    919 static int close_port(char *port_name)
    920 {
    921     /* the port name is a pointer to an array - DO NOT FREE IT! */
    922     memset(port_name, 0, MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME);
    923     return OMPI_SUCCESS;
    924 }

This memset makes "port_name" "INOUT".
Would you tell me why call this memset?

Best regards,
MPI development team,

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