On Jan 26, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Paul Hargrove wrote:

> libtool: link: pgcc -O -DNDEBUG -o orte-clean orte-clean.o  
> ../../../orte/.libs/libopen-rte.a 
> /Users/paul/openmpi-1.4.5rc2/BLD-pgi-11.10/opal/.libs/libopen-pal.a -lutil
> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
>   "_orte_odls", referenced from:
>       _orte_errmgr_base_error_abort in libopen-rte.a(errmgr_base_fns.o)
> ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

I'm not quite sure how that can happen -- orte_odls appears to be prototyped 
properly in orte/mca/odls/odls.h (i.e., it has ORTE_DECLSPEC, for visibility), 
and is properly instantiated in orte/mca/odls/base/odls_base_open.c.

Paul: can you run some nm's and see how the orte_odls symbol appears in 

Jeff Squyres
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