On 2/7/2012 9:57 PM, Paul H. Hargrove wrote:

On 2/7/2012 2:37 PM, Paul H. Hargrove wrote:

+ "make check" fails atomics tests using GCCFSS-4.0.4 compilers on Solaris10/SPARC Originally reported in: http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/devel/2012/01/10234.php This is a matter of the Sun/Oracle fork of GCC (known as GCC For SPARC Systems, or GCCFSS) being buggy with respect to GNU inline asm. The original failures were with gccfss-4.0.4, but am now retested with gccfss-4.3.3. I'll report on those results later.

Use of gccfss-4.3.3 is not an improvement.
Instead of failing the atomic_cmpset test, the compiler HANGS when compiling atomic_cmpset.c. I allowed the compiler just over 4 hours accumulated CPU time before being convinced it was hung.

So, I'd like to request documenting "gccfss" as unusable in README.
This is important because this broken compiler is installed as /usr/bin/gcc on some Solaris systems.

Ugh. Isn't there a configure option to not use inline asm (looks like no to me)? I'll have to see if Oracle has a bug on this but I think Paul is right that this should be documented in the README. I'll do it in conjunction with the 64 bit /lib issue once Paul confirms my suspicions.


Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
Oracle *- Performance Technologies*
95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
Email terry.don...@oracle.com <mailto:terry.don...@oracle.com>

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