I mentioned this on the call yesterday; here's some more details.

There have been two improvements to OMPI's tools' CLI behavior recently.  These 
are targeted at 1.7 and beyond, not 1.5/1.6.

1. Ralph committed a change to the general CLI parser such that if an CLI 
option is expecting an integer argument, if the argument isn't actually an 
integer, the tool will error.  For example, if a user mistakenly types this 
(notice the missing np value):

    mpirun -np --host foo a.out

Previously, they would have seen a confusing error about how the executable 
"foo" could not be found.  Now they'll see this:

Open MPI has detected that a parameter given to a command line
option does not match the expected format:

  Option: np
  Param:  --host

This is frequently caused by omitting to provide the parameter
to an option that requires one. Please check the command line and try again.

2. I just committed a patch which did several things:

- fixed some bugs where "unknown" tokens were allowed on the command line 
(which should really only be used for ortertun).
- if an unknown token is encountered, print a short error to stderr and quit 
with a nonzero exit status
- if we don't find the right number of parameters to an option, print a short 
error to stderr and quit with a nonzero exit status
- when --help is given, print the help message to stdout (not stderr) and quit 
with a zero exit status
- added --showme:help option to the wrapper compilers
- updated docs in opal/util/cmd_line.h
- other small/miscellaneous CLI parsing bugs in various tools

I won't bore you with what we did before.  :-)  Here's some examples of what 
the new behavior looks like:

% ompi_info --bogus
ompi_info: Error: unknown option "--bogus"
Type 'ompi_info --help' for usage.
% ompi_info --param bogus
ompi_info: Error: option "--param" did not have enough parameters (2)
Type 'ompi_info --help' for usage.

Jeff Squyres
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