AFAICT, everything should be working now.  It took me longer than expected 
today to deal with configury for older Folder compilers.  Yuck!

It looks like the nightly tarball built ok; we'll get some MTT results to look 
at for the morning.

Please let me know if you have any problems.

Some notes:

- Remember: you have to have a recent Fortran compiler to get the new stuff.
  - No version of gfortran has the Right stuff yet.  They're working on it.
  - icc 12+ has all the Right stuff (that is available so far these days).
  - icc 10 has some, but not all.  Meaning: you'll get a better "use mpi", but 
no "use mpi_f08").
  - YMMV with other compilers.  Hopefully the configury will just sort it all 

- If you "svn up", you might want to run the following commands to remove old 
kruft from your tree that svn might not remove (I also include below some of 
the directories from the recent ORTE update):

rm -f ompi/mpiext/affinity/OMPI_Affinity_str.3
rm -rf ompi/mpiext/example/f77
rm -f ompi/include/mpi_ext.mod
rm -f ompi/include/mpicxx-ext.h
rm -f ompi/include/mpi-ext.h
rm -f ompi/include/mpif-ext.h
rm -f ompi/include/mpif90-ext.f90
rm -rf ompi/mpiext/example/f77
rm -rf ompi/mpi/f90
rm -rf ompi/mpi/f77
rm -rf orte/threads
rm -rf orte/mca/plm/ccp
rm -rf orte/mca/plm/poe
rm -rf orte/mca/plm/xgrid
rm -rf orte/mca/errmgr/orted
rm -rf orte/mca/errmgr/app
rm -rf orte/mca/errmgr/hnp
rm -rf orte/mca/ras/ccp
rm -rf orte/mca/ess/slurmd
rm -f ompi/tools/wrappers/*f90*
rm -f ompi/tools/wrappers/*f77*
rm -f config/

- mpifort is the new wrapper compiler for all MPI Fortran codes (mpif77 and 
mpif90 exist, but are deprecated).

Jeff Squyres
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