On May 30, 2012, at 7:04 PM, Dmitri Gribenko wrote:

> +<li><tt>must_be_null</tt> specifies that the expression should be a null
> +pointer constant, for example:
> +
> +<blockquote>
> +<pre>
> +/* In mpi.h */
> +extern struct mpi_datatype mpi_datatype_null
> +    __attribute__(( type_tag_for_datatype(mpi, void, must_be_null) ));
> +
> +#define MPI_DATATYPE_NULL ((MPI_Datatype) &amp;mpi_datatype_null)
> +
> +/* In user code */
> +MPI_Send(buffer, 1, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL /*, ... */); // warning:
> +                                                   // was specified but 
> buffer
> +                                                   // is not a null pointer

I'm not sure that this is a warning we want to set.

MPI_<foo>_NULL constants are defined as "invalid handles" -- in most cases, 
it's an error to pass them to an MPI function (e.g., the MPI_Send example, 
above, would generate an MPI exception).  They're usually used for comparison.

I can't think of a case offhand where it's acceptable to pass MPI_DATATYPE_NULL 
to an MPI function.  I could be missing something, though...  (actually, I 
guess I can think of some cases -- we have some regression test programs that 
specifically pass MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, just to ensure that it properly invokes an 
MPI exception)  

But even so, if one passes MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, the buffer and count arguments 
will be ignored.  So I don't think that we want to require that 
MPI_DATATYPE_NULL *requires* a NULL pointer.

> *** JMS What happens if the argument type is (void*)?  Does that match
>    the tag type?  E.g.:
> [...snipped...]
> If a function is passed a type tag (that is, MPI_Datatype) that does
> not have an annotation, then that function call is not checked.  That
> is, in MPI_Send(buf, 1, MPI_BYTE, ...) buf can be of any pointer type.

All the above sounds good.

> *** JMS I'm a bit confused as to why 2int got a tag, but the others
>    did not.  We do have C equivalents for all types -- do you need a
>    listing of the configure results where we figured out all the C
>    equivalents?  (i.e., I can look them up for you -- our configury
>    is a bit... deep :-) )
> I did not annotate them because those are Fortran types.  If there are
> some known C equivalents in OpenMPI, I will happily add them.  But
> please note that if these equivalents are discovered during configure,
> we can not hardcode them into mpi.h.in.  Some autoconf macros will be
> needed probably.

We should have AC macros for all of these already.

The point of this is because all MPI datatypes are available in all languages, 
meaning that I could MPI_Send an MPI_INTEGER from fortran and receive it in C 
code (that MPI_Recv's an MPI_INTEGER).  FWIW, I've seen apps do this in two 
general cases:

1. Fortran sends to C, C just holds the blob without looking at/understanding 
the value, C eventually sends the blob back to Fortran.

2. Fortran sends to C, and C interprets the value because it knows the 
interoperable type (e.g., sends MPI_INTEGER, receives into a C int).

If the app doesn't know the exact equivalent C type corresponding to the 
Fortran type (e.g., case 1), they may need one of the examples I provided above 
(e.g., cast the buffer to (void*)).

> *** JMS Per my question on MPI_Alltoallw, I'm not quite sure how these
>    tags work with arrays of datatypes...?
> I removed the incorrect attribute on PMPI_Alltoallw.


> *** What happens if we're compiling C and std::complex<foo> isn't
>    defined?  I see that <complex> is only defined above #if __cplusplus.
> Then OMPI_ATTR_TYPE_TAG_CXX(type) is defined to be empty and these
> type tags are not checked.

Ah!  I missed that it was a different macro (OMPI_ATTR_TYPE_TAG_CPP/CXX).  Got 

Jeff Squyres
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