Hope to see some of you in Austria!

> EuroMPI 2012 - the prime meeting for researchers, developers, and
> students in message-passing parallel computing with MPI (and related
> paradigms) - calls for *active participation* in the conference which
> will take place from September 23rd to September 26th in Vienna,
> Austria, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
> The conference will feature
> - 22 strong technical papers on aspects of MPI library implementation, 
>  applications using MPI, extensions to MPI, implementation on novel 
>  architectures, performance analysis etc.
> - 4 invited talks by leading experts, e.g. on MPI implementation on novel 
> (HPC)
>  architectures
> - 2 tutorials on performance analysis and advanced MPI
> - The IMUDI special session dedicated to improving MPI user and developer 
>  interaction with technical papers and an invited talk
> - An MPI Forum session on MPI 3.0
> - A technically oriented vendor session
> - A selection of posters
> More details, including conference and hotel registration links, can
> be found at www.eurompi2012.org
> The (early) registration fee of 500 Euro covers the full program,
> printed proceedings in the Springer LNCS series, all lunches and
> coffee breaks, and the social program in Vienna. The early
> registration fee will be valid until July 20th. Tutorial participation
> is in addition, but tutorials can be attended independently of the
> conference.
> General Chair:
> Jack Dongarra
> Program chairs and local organizers:
> Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna
> Jesper Larsson Träff, Vienna University of Technology

Jeff Squyres
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