I periodically get these on the trunk:

alloc-mem: connect/btl_openib_connect_udcm.c:1850: udcm_cq_event_dispatch: 
Assertion `((void *)0) != m && ((void *)0) != m->cm_channel' failed.
alloc-mem: connect/btl_openib_connect_udcm.c:1850: udcm_cq_event_dispatch: 
Assertion `((void *)0) != m && ((void *)0) != m->cm_channel' failed.
alloc-mem: connect/btl_openib_connect_udcm.c:1850: udcm_cq_event_dispatch: 
Assertion `((void *)0) != m && ((void *)0) != m->cm_channel' failed.
alloc-mem: connect/btl_openib_connect_udcm.c:1850: udcm_cq_event_dispatch: 
Assertion `((void *)0) != m && ((void *)0) != m->cm_channel' failed.

("alloc-mem" is the name of the particular IBM test that failed in this case)

They only happen sometimes, leading me to believe that it's a race condition of 
some kind.

Is anyone else getting these?

Jeff Squyres
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