On Jul 11, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Alex Margolin wrote:

> I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but I was working on Open MPI support for 
> MOSIX in the form of several MCA modules (turned out to be BTL, ODLS, and 
> RAS). It's pretty much finished now, thanks to your help (I got many useful 
> tips and clarifications from this mailing list). As I said before, I would 
> like to contribute it to the Open MPI trunk so anyone can use it. I'll keep 
> maintaining it for the near future, and maybe other students (most likely 
> from my lab) will continue my work and add more features.


How long do you think you (or someone) will be able to maintain it?  I ask 
because we don't really have anyone in the current developer community with 
mosix experience...  We've taken a few components from random contributors in 
the past, and they've ended up withering on the vine because no one supported 
them.  :-(

> As for the formalities - My advisor (I'm a grad student) sent a signed 
> contributor form, but we didn't get any reply... Anyway, the IP stuff aren't 
> an issue.

Looks like IU sent me the notice a while ago, and I missed it -- so we got it!

Jeff Squyres
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