WHAT: allowing multiple entities in the OMPI code base to hang data off 

WHY: anticipating that more parts of the OMPI code base will be using the hwloc 

WHERE: hwloc base

WHEN: no real hurry; Ralph and I just identified the potential for this issue 
this morning.  We're not aware of it being an actual problem (yet).


The rmaps base (in mpirun) is currently hanging its own data off various 
objects in the hwloc topology tree.  However, it should be noted that the hwloc 
topology tree is a global data structure in each MPI processes; multiple 
upper-level entities in the ORTE and OMPI layers may want to hang their own 
userdata off hwloc objects.

Ralph and I figured that some functionality could be added to the hwloc base to 
hang a opal_pointer_array off each hwloc object; each array value will be a 
(void*).  Then upper-level entities can reserve a slot in all the pointer 
arrays and store whatever they want in their (void*) slot.

For example, if the openib BTL wants to use the hwloc data and hang its own 
userdata off hwloc objects, it can call the hwloc base and reserve a slot.  The 
hwloc base will say "Ok, you can have slot 7".  Then the openib BTL can always 
use slot 7 in the opal_pointer_array off any hwloc object.

Does this sound reasonable?

Jeff Squyres
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