It is a bug in the test program, test/datatype/ddt_raw.c, and it was
fixed at r24328 in trunk.

I've confirmed the failure occurs with plain v1.6.5 and it doesn't
occur with patched v1.6.5.


> Not sure if this is important, or expected, but I ran a make check out
> of interest after seeing recent emails and saw the final one of these
> tests be reported as "NOT PASSED" (it seems to be the only failure).
> No idea if this is important or not.  The text I see is:
>  #
>  #
> test upper matrix
> complete raw in 7 microsec
> decode [NOT PASSED]
> This happens on both our Nehalem and SandyBridge clusters and we are
> building with the system GCC.  I've attached the full log from our
> Nehalem cluster (RHEL 6.4).
> Our configure script is:
> #!/bin/bash
> BASE=`basename $PWD | sed -e s,-,/,`
> module purge
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/${BASE} --with-slurm --with-openib \
>             --enable-static  --enable-shared
> make -j
> I'm away on leave next week (first break for a year, yay!) but back
> the week after..
> All the best,
> Chris

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