On 25.11.2013, at 07:34, Solibakke Per Bjarte <per.b.soliba...@himolde.no> 

> For version 1.7.3 and 1.7.4a1r29747 and CUDA-support……
> --with-cuda –with-hwloc –enable-shared and the use of -VT
> ] 
> Running without VT:
>             Error: /usr/local/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_obl.so: undefined symbol: 
> progress_one_cuda_htod_event
> Suggestions for option specifications. I have followed the e-mail 
> correspondence between
> Jörg Bornschein,
> Ralph Castain
> I have changed the Makefile.am before ./configure according to attached 
> diff.pml
> However, nothing helps for neither 1.7.3 nor 1.7.4a1r29747

After patching Makefile.am, did you regenerate the automake/autoconf by running 
./autogen.sh at the top-level?


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