On Feb 18, 2014, at 8:18 AM, George Bosilca <bosi...@icl.utk.edu> wrote:

>> For the longer term (i.e., 1.9), should we add a little opal infrastructure 
>> that contains an event base that is run in its own progress thread?  This 
>> would allow the MPI layer to consolidate into one progress thread (for 
>> things that are event based, at least).  I don’t believe much work would be 
>> needed here.
> +1. All frameworks/component with a need for event triggering without other 
> constraints must use it. In other terms the proposed infrastructure might not 
> be the most effective for high density fd listeners such as the TCP BTL.

Ok.  I can add an RFC/proposal to my to-do list... after v1.7.5 (and possibly 
after v1.8 -- we'll see how my to-do list plays out).

> Btw, now that we’re talking about this I wonder how do we deal with signals 
> in a non-ORTE environment. Who is registering the signal callbacks, such as 
> USR1?

Don't know / no one...?

Jeff Squyres
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