I took care of it - thanks!

On Sep 16, 2014, at 7:36 AM, tmish...@jcity.maeda.co.jp wrote:

> Gilles,
> Your patch looks good to me and I think this issue should be fixed
> in the upcoming openmpi-1.8.3. Could you commit it to the trunk and
> create a CMR for it?
> Tetsuya
>> Mishima-san,
>> the root cause is macro expansion does not always occur as one would
>> have expected ...
>> could you please give a try to the attached patch ?
>> it compiles (at least with gcc) and i made zero tests so far ....
>> Cheers,
>> Gilles
>> On 2014/09/01 10:44, tmish...@jcity.maeda.co.jp wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I tried to build openmpi-1.8.2 with PGI fortran and -i8(64bit fortran
> int)
>>> option
>>> as shown below:
>>> ./configure \
>>> --prefix=/home/mishima/opt/mpi/openmpi-1.8.2-pgi14.7_int64 \
>>> --enable-abi-breaking-fortran-status-i8-fix \
>>> --with-tm \
>>> --with-verbs \
>>> --disable-ipv6 \
>>> CC=pgcc CFLAGS="-tp k8-64e -fast" \
>>> CXX=pgCC CXXFLAGS="-tp k8-64e -fast" \
>>> F77=pgfortran FFLAGS="-i8 -tp k8-64e -fast" \
>>> FC=pgfortran FCFLAGS="-i8 -tp k8-64e -fast"
>>> Then I saw this compile error in making oshmem at the last stage:
>>> if test ! -r pshmem_real8_swap_f.c ; then \
>>>                pname=`echo pshmem_real8_swap_f.c | cut -b '2-'` ; \
>>>                ln -s ../../../../oshmem/shmem/fortran/$pname
>>> pshmem_real8_swap_f.c ; \
>>>        fi
>>>  CC       pshmem_real8_swap_f.lo
>>> if test ! -r pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c ; then \
>>>                pname=`echo pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c | cut -b '2-'` ; \
>>>                ln -s ../../../../oshmem/shmem/fortran/$pname
>>> pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c ; \
>>>        fi
>>>  CC       pshmem_int4_cswap_f.lo
>>> PGC-S-0058-Illegal lvalue (pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c: 39)
>>> PGC/x86-64 Linux 14.7-0: compilation completed with severe errors
>>> make[3]: *** [pshmem_int4_cswap_f.lo] Error 1
>>> make[3]: Leaving directory
> `/home/mishima/mis/openmpi/openmpi-pgi14.7/int64/openmpi-1.8.2/oshmem/shmem/fortran/profile'
>>> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/home/mishima/mis/openmpi/openmpi-pgi14.7/int64/openmpi-1.8.2/oshmem/shmem/fortran'
>>> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory
>>> `/home/mishima/mis/openmpi/openmpi-pgi14.7/int64/openmpi-1.8.2/oshmem'
>>> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> I confirmed that it worked if I added configure option of
> --disable-oshmem.
>>> So, I hope that oshmem experts would fix this problem.
>>> (additional note)
>>> I switched to use gnu compiler and checked with this configuration,
> then
>>> I got the same error:
>>> ./configure \
>>> --prefix=/home/mishima/opt/mpi/openmpi-1.8.2-gnu_int64 \
>>> --enable-abi-breaking-fortran-status-i8-fix \
>>> --disable-ipv6 \
>>> F77=gfortran \
>>> FC=gfortran \
>>> CC=gcc \
>>> CXX=g++ \
>>> FFLAGS="-m64 -fdefault-integer-8" \
>>> FCFLAGS="-m64 -fdefault-integer-8" \
>>> CFLAGS=-m64 \
>>> CXXFLAGS=-m64
>>> make
>>> ....
>>> if test ! -r pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c ; then \
>>>                pname=`echo pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c | cut -b '2-'` ; \
>>>                ln -s ../../../../oshmem/shmem/fortran/$pname
>>> pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c ; \
>>>        fi
>>>  CC       pshmem_int4_cswap_f.lo
>>> pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c: In function 'shmem_int4_cswap_f':
>>> pshmem_int4_cswap_f.c:39: error: invalid lvalue in unary '&'
>>> make[3]: *** [pshmem_int4_cswap_f.lo] Error 1
>>> Regards
>>> Tetsuya Mishima
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>> - oshmem.i8.patch_______________________________________________
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