The s1 method is correct - other two are wrong

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> On Sep 26, 2014, at 9:24 AM, Pritchard Jr., Howard <> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I’m trying to figure out something about the kind of info pmi’s are suppose
> to be feeding back up in to orte/ompi, partly because native launch
> doesn’t seem to work too well in trunk. 
> One of the things I’m puzzling about is the purpose of the my_node_rank
> field in orte_proc_info_t.
> I’m particularly puzzled, because with the new pmix s2 and cray components,
> we are returning the NODE RANK (i.e. which NODE in a virtual sense, the
> proc is on) via a pmix_X_parse_pmap function.   See find_my_node in both
> the pmix_cray_parse_pmap and pmix_s2_parse_pmap functions.     This
> value is subsequently returned when the pmix component is queried with the
> PMIX_NODE_RANK attribute.
> But, with s1, we seem to just be assigning the same value to my_node_rank
> as to my_local_rank, based on the contents of the array returned from 
> PMI_Get_clique_ranks.
> It appears that in the 1.7/1.8 branch, the behavior is to do the s1 route,
> irrespective of whether pmi2 from slurm or the pmi.fuzzy from cray is used.
> Thanks for any help,
> Howard
> -------------------------------------------------
> Howard Pritchard
> HPC-5
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
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