As I mentioned on the call a week ago, the usnic BTL has been updated to use 
libfabric (instead of verbs).

What is libfabric?
--> Think of it as a "next generation verbs" -- it's OS-bypass networking for a 
wide range of network hardware, and libfabric contains many more capabilities 
than the verbs API.  libfabric is being developed by most the same people who 
initially developed verbs; it's not in competition with verbs -- it's a true 
"next generation" effort.  See for more 

Why should anyone care?
--> The usnic BTL has been updated to use libfabric.  I have therefore removed 
all usnic-specific code from the verbs parts of the OMPI code base (e.g., 
opal/mca/common).  Additionally, there will shortly be another commit that 
introduces another OMPI network device that uses libfabric.

Did you really just embed libfabric in opal/common/libfabric?
--> Yes -- but this is temporary.  libfabric isn't v1.0 yet -- there aren't 
libfabric tarballs being distributed.  Hence, other than git-cloning the 
libfabric github repo, you can't easily build OMPI against libfabric.  So we 
are temporarily embedding a copy of libfabric in OMPI, partly for convenience, 
and partly because the libfabric API is still changing slightly -- we need a 
stable libfabric stake in the ground against which to build the usnic and other 
components.  We'll update the embedded libfabric periodically to keep up with 
its development (e.g., I just did, earlier this morning).  We anticipate 
removing the embedded copy of libfabric at some point in the future.

Whoa; I'm getting a slew of -pedantic warnings when compiling libfabric!
--> Yeah, sorry about that.  :-(  I added a pragma this morning that should 
remove some of them, but there's still a bunch of -pedantic warnings when you 
compile opal/mca/common/libfabric.  We're working with libfabric upstream to 
get them fixed.  Stay tuned.

Jeff Squyres
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