I was just curious as if I am calling

buffer = NULL;

on a buffer with an object count different to 1, the buffer is not free'd
but set to NULL. If I call it again the buffer is NULL and the original
buffer will not be free'd. Setting the buffer to NULL seems unnecessary.

I have not seen this as a problem in the code I was just trying to
understand if I have to call only



buffer = NULL;

and for me the first variant seems to be the correct one.


On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 04:58:02PM +0900, Gilles Gouaillardet wrote:
> Adrian,
> opal_obj_update does not fail or success, it returns the new
> obj_reference_count.
> can you point to one specific location in the code where you think it is
> wrong ?
> OBJ_RELEASE(buffer)
> buffer = NULL;
> could be written as
> if (((opal_object_t *)buffer)->obj_reference_count == 1) {
>     OBJ_RELEASE(buffer);
> } else {
>     buffer = NULL;
> }
> that would never ever set buffer to NULL twice, but would be wrong
> since there is no atomicity here
> /* that was for for the "unnecessary" part */
> about the "wrong" part, why do you think the else branch is wrong ?
> /* i mean setting a pointer to NULL is not necessarily wrong */
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 2015/02/12 16:41, Adrian Reber wrote:
> > At many places all over the code I see
> >
> > OBJ_RELEASE(buffer)
> > buffer = NULL;
> >
> > Looking at the definition of OBJ_RELEASE() this seems unnecessary and
> > wrong:
> >
> > #define OBJ_RELEASE(object)                                             \
> >     do {                                                                \
> >         if (0 == opal_obj_update((opal_object_t *) (object), -1)) {     \
> >             opal_obj_run_destructors((opal_object_t *) (object));       \
> >             free(object);                                               \
> >             object = NULL;                                              \
> >         }                                                               \
> >     } while (0)
> >
> > The object is set to NULL by the macro and only if the opal_obj_update() was
> > successful. So it seems setting the buffer manually to NULL after 
> > is unnecessary and if opal_obj_update() failed it also is wrong.
> >
> >             Adrian
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