Normally, mpi_run starts via ssh on remote node orted process, and orted
start mpi_program via fork+exec.
orted and mpi_program communicate via:
- environment variables (ok, that's on-time setup only, but still)
- pipes (only one, right? - it is close-on-exec by child).
- file descriptors, mpi_program stdin/out/err are redirected in orted
between fork and exec.
- socket (only one?), mpi_program connects to OMPI_MCA_orte_local_daemon_uri
- session dir (OMPI_FILE_LOCATION)
(did I miss anything - or, how much?)

How is session dir used? I saw check for aborted file (so that orted can
figure out if child died?). Is there any other use of that dir?

Can I just ignore it, if I try to run orted on host, and mpi_program in
container/virtual machine?

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