On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com
> wrote:

> On Feb 25, 2016, at 2:59 PM, Paul Hargrove <phhargr...@lbl.gov> wrote:
> >
> > Not an error - a new API in C++11 to get number of dimensions in a
> multi-dimensional array.
> > http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/rank
> So you can't have a local variable named "rank" any more?  That's...
> terrible!

If (and only if) one is "using namespace std;" you can no longer use "rank".
You already can't use "string" or "list" (among others) as identifiers
under the same conditions.

So, removing "using namespace std;" from the C++ code (and adding std:: as
necessary) should fix the problem.
If it does not, *then* I'd say there is a bug somewhere.


Paul H. Hargrove                          phhargr...@lbl.gov
Computer Languages & Systems Software (CLaSS) Group
Computer Science Department               Tel: +1-510-495-2352
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory     Fax: +1-510-486-6900

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