I was rummaging through the code today and made two observations related to
verbose. Neither is terribly critical, but probably worth making the
developer community aware. (2) might need to be fixed.

(1) mpirun --verbose
It does not seem to do anything in the current master (and probably for
quite some time). Would it be useful to display something with this flag?
Maybe set the default verbosity for all components? Show launch status?

(2) opal_output_verbose(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, 0, "")
The above function call (found in a number of place in opal/mca/base/)
cannot be turned on since stream 0 has its verbosity set to 0, and there
does not seem to be a mechanism in the repo to adjust this value. (Am I
correct here?) It would be nice to be able to activate some of these
varbosity settings when debugging the MCA core (like trying to determine
why a component is not loading). So it seems like we need an
mca_base_verbose option somewhere. Any opinions here?

-- Josh

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