I was initially for this idea, but now I find myself conflicted. 

Specifically: what's the value in yet another MPI test suite?

Sure, we've got a bunch of tests that no one else has (i.e., the things we've 
home-grown over the years). Some are great tests.  Some will need to be cleaned 
up and generalized. Some are user-contributed. Some are ompi-specific.  

Should these tests be contributed to some other test suite?

Specifically: I'm wondering about the MPICH test suite - that seems to be the 
only remaining big MPI test suite these days. Is it worth having a discussion w 
the MPICH folks to see if a) their test suite is general enough for all MPI 
implementations, and B) if they would accept a bunch of random tests from us?

And if not, I think I'd like to understand better the value add that we can 
provide by making another MPI test suite. 

Sent from my phone. No type good. 

> On May 18, 2016, at 11:54 PM, Josh Hursey <jjhur...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
> WHAT: Create a public test repo (ompi-tests-public) to collect
> WHY: ompi-tests is private, and difficult/impossible to open up. There is a 
> demand for a public collection of unit tests. This repo would allow us to 
> cultivate such a collection of unit tests.
> WHERE: open-mpi GitHub project
> TIMEOUT: Teleconf, Tue., May 24, 2016
> Over the years we have had periodic public requests for access to our 
> ompi-tests repo. Opening up ompi-tests to the public is nearly impossible 
> since, given the age of some of these tests, determining if we can 
> redistribute these tests has become complicated.
> Recently we had two different requests on the MTT users and Open MPI devel 
> list about access to the ompi-tests repo for testing. This got me thinking 
> that we could try to cultivate a public set of tests with a clear lineage and 
> license.
> Below are my current thoughts for structure and maintenance of the repo. 
> Certainly up for discussion.
> Similar to the existing ompi-tests repo structure.
>  - Call the repository "ompi-tests-public"
>  - The repo will contain at least one test suite ('misc' - see below).
>  - Each test suite can have its own build system
>  - Each test suite should contain a README-MTT.md which will contain a sample 
> Test Build and Test Run section for use in MTT.
> All tests contributed will be covered under the Open MPI license agreement 
> unless a specific test suite has a different, but compatible license. To 
> contribute a test to the repo a developer must sign the contributor 
> agreement. Contributions must go through a PR + Review process (similar to 
> how we maintain ompi-release). This is meant to provide an opportunity to 
> review the tests for correctness before acceptance into the repo.
> We will seed the repo with a 'misc' test suite. This test suite is meant to 
> collect all of the miscellaneous tests created by Open MPI developers 
> including those regression tests that emerge as part of Issues or MPI Forum 
> discussions, for example. It will contain the unit tests currently in the 
> Open MPI's examples directory - what we have been calling the 'trivial' test 
> suite. I was thinking about breaking it down into roughly MPI Standard 
> chapters.
> If someone wants to contribute a whole suite of tests they can do so in a 
> separate directory in the repo with it's own build system. The license must 
> be compatible with the Open MPI license, and, in particular, allow the code 
> to be freely distributed.
> Let me know what you think. Certainly everything here is open for discussion, 
> and we will likely need to refine aspects as we go.
> -- Josh
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