Hi Gilles,

Thanks. I ran again with --mca pml ob1 but I've got the same results as

[mishima@manage OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$ mpirun -np 2 -mca pml ob1 -bind-to
core -report-bindings osu_bw
[manage.cluster:18142] MCW rank 0 bound to socket 0[core 0[hwt 0]]:
[manage.cluster:18142] MCW rank 1 bound to socket 0[core 1[hwt 0]]:
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
# Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                         1.48
2                         3.07
4                         6.26
8                        12.53
16                       24.33
32                       49.03
64                       83.46
128                     132.60
256                     234.96
512                     420.86
1024                    842.37
2048                   1231.65
4096                    264.67
8192                    472.16
16384                   740.42
32768                  1030.39
65536                  1191.16
131072                 1269.45
262144                 1238.33
524288                 1247.97
1048576                1257.96
2097152                1274.74
4194304                1280.94
[mishima@manage OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$ mpirun -np 2 -mca pml ob1 -mca btl
self,sm -bind-to core -report-bindings osu_b
[manage.cluster:18204] MCW rank 0 bound to socket 0[core 0[hwt 0]]:
[manage.cluster:18204] MCW rank 1 bound to socket 0[core 1[hwt 0]]:
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
# Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                         0.52
2                         1.05
4                         2.08
8                         4.18
16                        8.21
32                       16.65
64                       32.60
128                      66.70
256                     132.45
512                     269.27
1024                    504.63
2048                    819.76
4096                    874.54
8192                   1447.11
16384                  2263.28
32768                  3236.85
65536                  3567.34
131072                 3555.17
262144                 3455.76
524288                 3441.80
1048576                3505.30
2097152                3534.01
4194304                3546.94
[mishima@manage OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$ mpirun -np 2 -mca pml ob1 -mca btl
self,sm,openib -bind-to core -report-binding
s osu_bw
[manage.cluster:18218] MCW rank 0 bound to socket 0[core 0[hwt 0]]:
[manage.cluster:18218] MCW rank 1 bound to socket 0[core 1[hwt 0]]:
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
# Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                         0.51
2                         1.03
4                         2.05
8                         4.07
16                        8.14
32                       16.32
64                       32.98
128                      63.70
256                     126.66
512                     252.61
1024                    480.22
2048                    810.54
4096                    290.61
8192                    512.49
16384                   764.60
32768                  1036.81
65536                  1182.81
131072                 1264.48
262144                 1235.82
524288                 1246.70
1048576                1254.66
2097152                1274.64
4194304                1280.65
[mishima@manage OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$ mpirun -np 2 -mca pml ob1 -mca btl
self,openib -bind-to core -report-bindings o
[manage.cluster:18276] MCW rank 0 bound to socket 0[core 0[hwt 0]]:
[manage.cluster:18276] MCW rank 1 bound to socket 0[core 1[hwt 0]]:
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
# Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                         0.54
2                         1.08
4                         2.18
8                         4.33
16                        8.69
32                       17.39
64                       34.34
128                      66.28
256                     130.36
512                     241.81
1024                    429.86
2048                    553.44
4096                    707.14
8192                    879.60
16384                   763.02
32768                  1042.89
65536                  1185.45
131072                 1267.56
262144                 1227.41
524288                 1244.61
1048576                1255.66
2097152                1273.55
4194304                1281.05

2016/07/27 9:02:49、"devel"さんは「Re: [OMPI devel] sm BTL performace of
the openmpi-2.0.0」で書きました
> Hi,
> can you please run again with
> --mca pml ob1
> if Open MPI was built with mxm support, pml/cm and mtl/mxm are used
> instead of pml/ob1 and btl/openib
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 7/27/2016 8:56 AM, tmish...@jcity.maeda.co.jp wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I saw a performance degradation of openmpi-2.0.0 when I ran our
> > on a node (12cores). So I did 4 tests using osu_bw as below:
> >
> > 1: mpirun –np 2 osu_bw                              bad(30% of test2)
> > 2: mpirun –np 2 –mca btl self,sm osu_bw             good(same as
> > 3: mpirun –np 2 –mca btl self,sm,openib osu_bw      bad(30% of test2)
> > 4: mpirun –np 2 –mca btl self,openib osu_bw bad(30% of test2)
> >
> > I  guess openib BTL was used in the test 1 and 3, because these results
> > almost  same  as  test  4. I believe that sm BTL should be used even in
> > test 1 and 3, because its priority is higher than openib.
Unfortunately, at
> > the  moment,  I couldn’t figure out the root cause. So please someone
> > take care of it.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Tetsuya Mishima
> >
> > P.S. Here I attached these test results.
> >
> > [mishima@manage   OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$   mpirun  -np  2  -bind-to
> > -report-bindings osu_bw
> > [manage.cluster:13389]  MCW  rank  0  bound  to  socket  0[core  0[hwt
> > [B/././././.][./././././.]
> > [manage.cluster:13389]  MCW  rank  1  bound  to  socket  0[core  1[hwt
> > [./B/./././.][./././././.]
> > # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
> > # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
> > 1                         1.49
> > 2                         3.04
> > 4                         6.13
> > 8                        12.23
> > 16                       25.01
> > 32                       49.96
> > 64                       87.07
> > 128                     138.87
> > 256                     245.97
> > 512                     423.30
> > 1024                    865.85
> > 2048                   1279.63
> > 4096                    264.79
> > 8192                    473.92
> > 16384                   739.27
> > 32768                  1030.49
> > 65536                  1190.21
> > 131072                 1270.77
> > 262144                 1238.74
> > 524288                 1245.97
> > 1048576                1260.09
> > 2097152                1274.53
> > 4194304                1285.07
> > [mishima@manage  OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$  mpirun  -np  2  -mca btl
> > -bind-to core -report-bindings osu_bw
> > [manage.cluster:13448]  MCW  rank  0  bound  to  socket  0[core  0[hwt
> > [B/././././.][./././././.]
> > [manage.cluster:13448]  MCW  rank  1  bound  to  socket  0[core  1[hwt
> > [./B/./././.][./././././.]
> > # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
> > # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
> > 1                         0.51
> > 2                         1.01
> > 4                         2.03
> > 8                         4.08
> > 16                        7.92
> > 32                       16.16
> > 64                       32.53
> > 128                      64.30
> > 256                     128.19
> > 512                     256.48
> > 1024                    468.62
> > 2048                    785.29
> > 4096                    854.78
> > 8192                   1404.51
> > 16384                  2249.20
> > 32768                  3136.40
> > 65536                  3495.84
> > 131072                 3436.69
> > 262144                 3392.11
> > 524288                 3400.07
> > 1048576                3460.60
> > 2097152                3488.09
> > 4194304                3498.45
> > [mishima@manage    OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$   mpirun   -np   2   -mca
> > self,sm,openib -bind-to core -report-bindings osu_bw
> > [manage.cluster:13462]  MCW  rank  0  bound  to  socket  0[core  0[hwt
> > [B/././././.][./././././.]
> > [manage.cluster:13462]  MCW  rank  1  bound  to  socket  0[core  1[hwt
> > [./B/./././.][./././././.]
> > # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
> > # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
> > 1                         0.54
> > 2                         1.09
> > 4                         2.18
> > 8                         4.37
> > 16                        8.75
> > 32                       17.37
> > 64                       34.67
> > 128                      66.66
> > 256                     132.55
> > 512                     261.52
> > 1024                    489.51
> > 2048                    818.38
> > 4096                    290.48
> > 8192                    511.64
> > 16384                   765.24
> > 32768                  1043.28
> > 65536                  1180.48
> > 131072                 1261.41
> > 262144                 1232.86
> > 524288                 1245.70
> > 1048576                1245.69
> > 2097152                1268.67
> > 4194304                1281.33
> > [mishima@manage  OMB-3.1.1-openmpi2.0.0]$ mpirun -np 2 -mca btl
> > -bind-to core -report-bindings osu_bw
> > [manage.cluster:13521]  MCW  rank  0  bound  to  socket  0[core  0[hwt
> > [B/././././.][./././././.]
> > [manage.cluster:13521]  MCW  rank  1  bound  to  socket  0[core  1[hwt
> > [./B/./././.][./././././.]
> > # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v3.1.1
> > # Size        Bandwidth (MB/s)
> > 1                         0.54
> > 2                         1.08
> > 4                         2.16
> > 8                         4.34
> > 16                        8.64
> > 32                       17.25
> > 64                       34.30
> > 128                      66.13
> > 256                     129.99
> > 512                     242.26
> > 1024                    429.24
> > 2048                    556.00
> > 4096                    706.80
> > 8192                    874.35
> > 16384                   762.60
> > 32768                  1039.61
> > 65536                  1184.03
> > 131072                 1267.09
> > 262144                 1230.76
> > 524288                 1246.92
> > 1048576                1255.88
> > 2097152                1274.54
> > 4194304
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> > devel mailing list
> > de...@open-mpi.org
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